
    Semester One Notes


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    8/18 (morgan):

    What we did today was we learned about codes used to access the controls in the building starting with 10.14... We also had discussions about the co2 reader, the solar panels (the first one on the building, if any part is shaded it wont work. The second set it is ok if there is a shadow of a bird or whatever shadow may be on it, it will still work. The third one, and my favorite, were the ones sticking off the roof that absorbed light from both the top and the bottom. They work most effectively during the winter time because the angle of the sun reflects well of the deck creating optimal sunlight for them.) On our way down from the roof you showed us the solar water heater that moves by itself in between two panes of glass that allow light in but no heat out. we also did a little bit of a general tour.

    8/19 (morgan):
    Some things we did:

    -Controlling the the elab network: ex. (louvers).

    -We checked out the air in the building with the co2 monitors.

    -Live camera views: elab4.hpa.edu:8000

    -control sony camera

    8/22 (morgan):

    -Spock death pinch

    -Terminal codes

    -fsck -yf (file system check)

    -who (who you are)

    -last (last people that logged in)

    -pwd (print working directory; where you are in computer)

    -exit (get out of it)

    -ssh admin@_________ (fill in blank with ip address)

    -sudo shutdown -r now

    8/24 (morgan):

    -Testing the podcast producer

    -elabx2.hpa.edu access to podcasts (elabgreen server)

    -Podcast Publisher: capture then post

    -Postcast Capture: Live streaming

    -index of kipo: http://xserve.hpa.edu/kipo/

    -To Publish Podcast: server: elabgreen.hpa.edu User: admin Pass: same as always

    -controlling the camera on the the other computer using screen sharing

    -watch live TV http://elabmedia-3.local.:2170/eyetv/#home

    8/26 (morgan):

    -Set up camera in GPAC

    -Talking about different camera options

    -Talked about Hotel X and their energy



    8/30 (morgan):

    -Workflow: 8 sec delay. PUB: live

    -elabx2.hpa.edu:8171 -->gpac camera

    -GPAC LION COMPUTER option a: Elabx2->qtss->elabx2.hpa.edu->:8171

    -GPAC LION COMPUTER option b: Podcast--> (pub->elabgreen->:8171) or (workflow->elabx2)

    -Camera without sound(connected directly to ethernet):

    -ethernet --> or Security Spy (elab4.hpa.edu:800)

    -Tried to use SD card with camera, did not work. ordering new SD card with less holding capacity, we'll see if it works.

    9/2 (morgan):

    • VTC camera (Aud.) --> Mac-->(qtss-->elabx2-->qtss 200x [8 sec delay]) or (podcast producer-->workflow) or (Pc dub->Elabgreen)
    • .179 (stage)-->> (security spy [no sound, no record]) or (live access) or (wirestream-->[archive] or [live for 100+ people {deley}])
    • Wirecast- rtsp:// uploads to http://physics.hpa.edu/physics/video/gpac/?C=M;O=D or http://elab4.hpa.edu:8000/++download?cameraNum=22&fileTypeMenu=b&date1Text=&date2Text=&ageText=&submit=Go&34281
    • Streaming is still in debate. Were looking at recording and posting mostly right now with wirecast
    • upcoming projects: First season: Gpac, gym, flagpole, Second Season: field, pool

    9/6 (morgan):

    • -Building energy use
    • 10/14/64/2 -Building solar capture
    • Trying to test remote vid on wed vball game
    • SDP: (session description protocol) or .mov file (movie)
    • used the new SD card, worked effectivly: recorded assembly :)
    9/8 (morgan):

    1-BABS KAMERO (1) bkamrow@hpa.edu

    2-PATRICK OLEARY (4) poleary@hpa.edu 107BB0 216970
    3-CHRIS NILSEN (5) cnilsen@hpa.edu

    4-CRYSTAL SEBASTIAN (4) csebastian@hpa.edu 107AEC 216973

    • IP adress: 10.14.65.X
    • Phone Number: 881-425X
    • X= cottage number
    • Circuit board: 120 low, 0, 120 high.
    • connects to outlet, what has a direct line to the ethernet (TED) that is also connected to IT
    • things to check first when checking TED
      • time
      • zip code
      • total reasonable number for kWh
    • 1 kWh= 45¢
    • 240 volts
      • Dryer
      • stove
      • water heater
      • oven
    • Lily will take care of cottages 5-8 (5: ckamrow, 6: jmartin 7:khiggins 8: kblacksmith)
    • Need to fix TED in 1,3,5 and need to check up on 4,7 and 8
    9/12 (morgan):
    • Rosetta Stone
      • champolean discovered, under napoleons rule
      • has hieroglyphics (cartoche), sumerian, and greek
    • Hexadecimal (hex=6 deca=10 6+10=16)
      • 0123456789ABCDEF
    • We exchanged the TED's in Mrs.Blacksmith's and Mrs. Cameros houses, there back online now.
    9/14 (morgan):
    • Check Green every morning
      • "packtets" like mail, servers "sign off" on mail saying that they got letter
    • Recording our notes
      • Wiki, everyone contributes
      • Weblog, independent for you. Put our notes there.