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RFID information

From Oliver Grayson: The project is hosted at Clone that repository and steal the bits you want, or...

Raspberry Pi Tutorial

Module 1: Terminal first steps Using terminal on the raspberry pi: Start with ping: ping sends a data packet to a machine on the internet, and tells ...

fsck, IPNetMonitor 2.7.3

fsck -yf upon single user start (command-s) open IP net monitor (blue guy icon) Task bar: [Screen Shot 2019-09-17 a...

Raspberry pi networking

Raspberry Pi network tools tested 9.16.19 on RPI A+ sudo apt-get install net-tools wavemon mtr tcpdump netcat iperf nmap nethogs iptraf-...

ISR computer links

isr computer links Install Firefox: sudo apt-get install firefox-esr ISR: soldering, cat5, sensors, wireless, html, css, unix re...

HTML primer

HTML skills list (skeelsz list): Create basic web page include html, body, head, title, p tags upl...

Energy hunt

energy hunt locate environmental sensor blow on the sensor, check the values try ...

Herobrine hunt-raspberry pi

herobrine hunt-raspberry pi review pwd, ls, cd create a text file named herobrine.txt using sudo nano hide it in your ...

VOM/DVM meters

VOM/DVM Fluke 101: [Screen Shot 2019-09-26 at 11.28.10 AM.png] Fluke 114: [Screen Shot 2019-09-26 at 11.28.45 AM.png] V~ means AC voltage...

Cat 5 cables! (no cats were harmed in the making of this weblog)


arduino manual-vilros

[Download file "arduino.pdf"]

Getting started with sensors-code

[Download file ""]

Arduino with USK

Programming Arduino code

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Programming with arduino

Codes: [Download file ""]

programming arduino next steps

Code: [Download file ""]

Hacking electronics code

code[Download file ""]

Programming with rPI

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Programming Raspberry PI with Python

code examples [Download file ""]

Freenove RFID kit for rPI

[Download file ""]