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Today I just helped Alec with the flight sim. Dr.Bill also showed us a home audio system hw wants us to work on.


I was absent today


Today we tried to fix a tv, didn't work. We also fixed the water purification thing.


Today we mapped out more water lines on the gps app. We don't need anything.


Today we put up the for dr.bill, we will resume mapping soon


Today we mapped out more water lines on the gps app. We don't need anything.


Today we mapped out more water lines on the gps app. We don't need anything.


Today we mapped out more water lines on the gps app. We don't need anything. it with your own.


Today we mapped out more water lines on the gps app. We don't need anything.


Today we went over TC 4.0 Wireless stuff. A lot of these actually have a lot of practical application if you know how to do it. We also went over eve...


Today Scout and I went back to the garden. We brought a ladder and what we thought was all the tools needed. Turns out we need a hex wrench in order t...


Today Scout and I went to the garden to check out the wind turbine. However there was no way to gain access to the turbine as it is high up. We will s...


Today we had a meeting for most of the class. Today I just fixed some issues in the driving sim. I did this by just tweaking the settings. I want to ...


Today we took the cart to the garden and took pictures of the wind mill. We then whet to take the cart to O'Leary but he wasn't there, so we took it b...


Today we tried to go to the garden to take photos but there was a class there. For the rest of the period I just started calibrating the other DiRT ga...


Today Alec and I went to go see alternative options for the aquaponics. So they already have solar panels so they could just make a battery bank and ...


Today, Alec, Scout, and I went to go check out the aquaponics. Its actually a lot cooler than I thought. However its really big so I question how we'...


Today we had a meeting for majority of the time. After our meeting, I made a pointless attempt to try help Alec become somewhat decent at driving on ...


So I figured out how to change the stiffness on the wheel. Logitech offers an app to change a bunch of settings for the wheel and pedals, from sensiti...


Today I messed around with the steering wheel. It feels really stiff and, no matter what I tried it still feels stiff. However there was one problem ...