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    Chapter 9 notes
    Nice work on the last exam. Here is a link to some background on the coal/nuclear video you are working on now:
    Please remember to email your answers to me before class Tuesday.

    Chapter 9:Energy

    From the lab:
    kWh is a unit of energy, bc Watts are a unit of power (work/time), so need to multiply kW by time (hours) to get energy
    we found: you can measure current (i) with a clamp on meter
    most applicances are either 120 Vac or 220 Vac, 60 Hz (cycles per second)
    ohms law: V=iR volts = current(amps) x resistance (ohms)
    Using ohmmeters, we can measure resistance, and calculate current.
    Also useful: Power = V2/R
    Joule's law: P = iV (also known as "pie" formula: P=iE)
    Again, power is in watts, i is in amperes (amps) and voltage is in volts.
    we calculated power of the hot water heater/coffee maker, about 900 watts
    we could calculate the power of a 220 Vac air conditioner to be 8.8 amps at 220 volts, or 2000 watts. Units like these are found all over the campus. Note where you see a fatter than usual cord plugged into a special looking outlet, these are 220 volt outlets.
    biggest expenses in homes are "vampire loads", on 24/7
    not large, but the time factor makes them costly
    cost: electrical energy in Hawaii is about $0.35/kWh, highest in the nation
    CA is about 7, Oregon is about 5.
    To calculate cost, multiply amount of kW by number of hours (recall that 720 hours are in a month)
    so, kWh x $0.35/kWh gives you dollars
    We can measure light output at 50 cm (0.5m) for a 45 watt incandescent light bulb and a compact fluorescent bulb (CFL)
    The incand. bulb emitted 220 lux at 50 cm, and consumes 45 watts
    the cfl emitted 450 lux at 50 cm and consumes 13 watts
    recall the lux per watt of power numbers, the cfl comes out about 6x more efficient.

    This demonstration needs to be done in a dark room, such as the electrical room.
    Textbook chapter 9 notes:
    Between 1900-2007:
    world energy changed 16x, economy 70x, population only 4x
    80% fossil fuels: all ultimately stored solar energy
    fossil: nonrenewable
    renewable: in this lifetime, perpetual
    resources: all that is out there
    reserves: all that can be extracted economically
    resources-stay constant
    reserves-increase as technology enables access, decreases with use.
    Q infinity
    Pennsylvania in 1859: oil discovered in PA
    Coal: from freshwater swamps 300 my ago, covered with water, so anaerobic decay (e.g. peat bogs)
    sediment wt. compressed to peat, then to lignite, then sub-bituminous coal, bituminous and anthracite (lowest water content).
    n.b. relative carbon content increases as organics decompose, lose H and O molecules (plants were CHO, coal is just C)
    US and china have lots of coal reserves...
    global warming issues, railroads as transport,
    question: what did Warren Buffet buy on Friday, 11.6.2009? Why?
    Oil/natural gas:
    marine organisms, ocean bottom, decay released oils into muddy sediments->shale (see oil shales in Canada)
    IFF sandstone on top of shale, (oil sands, see Colorado), oil will pass through sands.
    IFF cap rock, it will trap oil in domes:
    "gushers" are not the real way, usually gas first-very dangerous, some emit H2S gas-very toxic (indonesia)
    middle east has 60% of oil reserves, but they have reached "peak oil"
    We need to discuss this-it is very important-----
    80% world energy is non-renewable-heading for a crash
    80% = coal 25%, oil 36%, gas 21%
    n.b. could trains transport natural gas? what method is used in the US to move most of our coal? why? notice any connections?
    Coal: more
    lignite-brown coal, all that is left in UK, lots of water, low energy content, usually burned near the mine for energy
    Sub-Bituminous coal-used for power plants
    Bituminous coal-used for power, cement, steel
    Anthracite-bldg heating (cleanest)
    surface mining-strip mining, leaves tailings (see mine disaster of 2008 in US)
    IFF overburden too thick (>100m) then mining needed
    drift or vertical shaft mines
    silicosis-black lung disease: external cost of mining (we pay the health care of miners)
    Issues: land damage, toxic runoff (see butte, MT), dust, acid deposition, CO2 (coal is worst of oil/gas/coal for CO2 per kWh gained)
    Oil: benefits: easier to extract, more concentrated energy, burns cleaner, can be moved through pipes (no trucks or trains needed).
    found: land or ocean floor, harder to find today
    primary recovery vs. secondary recovery (water injection), tertiary (steam)-see tar sands and oil shale issues
    Processing: see 9.14
    transport issues: exxon valdez, others (France:amoco cadiz, santa barbara)
    p.195: ANWR-which option is sustainable?
    Natural Gas:
    21% of global energy
    Usually extracted like oil, uses air for secondary extraction.
    transported as LNG (liquified natural gas)
    cleanest burning, least env impact, safest, cleanest burning, most kWh per CO2
    Also: CH4 used to form NH4 fertilizers (thanks again, Dr. Haber and Dr. Bosch)
    Renewable energy---------
    fossil fuels: 80% global use
    nuclear: 6%
    energy use: 2% per year, present doubling time is 20 years, as supplies are constant or decrease as demand increases, renewables become more profitable
    (n.b. if you use the rule of 70 on this 2% you get 35 years. Why do I then say 20 years?)

    12% of global energy:
    biomass, hydro, wind, solar, geothermal, tidal
    biomass (e.g. wood) mostly in Under Developed countries
    biomass: fuel wood, solid waste (Hpower plant)
    bagasse (Maui land and sugar), and ethanol (e.g. corn, or sugar cane-Brazil)
    energy from biomass:
    burning; wood stoves, co-gen (combined heat and electricity generation system)
    biofuels: ethanol, biodiesel
    E85 is 85% ethanol
    biodiesel: palm, rapeseed, soy, jetropha, 36% of global BD produced in DDR
    biogas: anaerobic bacterial digestion-methane and CO2
    see also landfills (e.g. kailua, oahu)
    pyrolysis: fischer-tropsch process-syngas process
    issues: competition with food crops, habitat loss,biodiversity loss, global warming, air pollution (leading cause of lung cancers in LD countries)
    high "head" means deep dam, with thermoclines, habitat disruption (cool water pollution), sedimentation, limited dam lifespan. See logarithmic backflow curve.
    low "head" systems like Aswan dam in Egypt, three gorges dam in China (look this up) 22,500 mW !
    minihydro: less than 10 mW
    microhydro: less than 1 mW
    can be diverse, lower impact, decrease transit losses
    issues: flooding of back lands (see china)
    The construction of the Three Gorges Dam in China inundated 153 towns and 4500 villages and caused the displacement of over a million people. In addition, numerous archeological sites were submerged and the nature of the scenic canyons of the Three Gorges was changed.
    fish ladders, silt fertilization, inorganic mercury -> organic mercury, bioaccumulation.
    Solar energy--------
    ultimate answer-
    issues: only available in daytime-so must store energy
    intermittent and diffuse (e.g. oceans)
    ocean thermal energy conversion: OTEC Keahole
    1. passive solar/solar thermal
    2. active solar-pumped solar thermal
    3. PV
    passive: trombe walls: energy lab is essentially a liquid trombe wall in reverse
    sunspaces are like the spaces in the ladakh school (see e2 video on this)
    design of windows and floors to absorb heat from day to warm in night is another
    see "daylighting" or smart skylights...
    n.b. passive systems require no external energy to collect
    another example: solahart passive convective solar thermal energy collector systems
    Active solar: contrast this with solahart-need a pump (can be PV powered) to run solar thermal system
    can be simple or complex (varied pump speeds with radiation, optimized ∆t, etc.)
    coolant can be the substance used (e.g. hot water) or something else (ethylene glycol, propylene glycol)-these are also used for geothermal well cooling heating systems.
    some systems are testing hot oil to 300°C, stored for later use, e.g. spain project, Keahole project, mojave desert project.
    Solar Electric plants
    two types: PV (direct) and solar thermal to steam (STS)
    PV systems: crystalline silicon is expensive (see solar film video), but direct kWh from sunlight, no moving parts, 30 year lifespan, no maintenance (cleaning only)
    Solar furnace: heats oil or other storage medium to 390°C (e.g. SEGS and Segovia plant in Spain)
    see also solar stills for water desalinization and purification in LD countries
    PV now at $0.20 per kWh (more than US, less than Hawaii-we are past the profit point on this)
    efficiency: now at 14%, soon to be 40% (sanyo bifacials are 22% at elab)
    18x increase in 20 years
    Wind-----essentially solar energy working through convection
    Hadley, Ferrel, and polar cells-see the weather this week
    cell circulation allows for the transfer of heat from hot earth to cool space
    Issues: variable, site specific, usually far from urban centers (high demand)-if there were a means to transfer the energy without loss...
    Hydrogen power?
    Europe leads wind power
    concerns: birds (myth, except at Altamont pass), unsightly (true) latest plan: site them offshore cape cod in Mass.
    people are NOT happy about it
    map 9.29 is bogus, we are class 7 in Waimea
    two types of turbines, VAWT and HAWT-why is each suited for specific uses?
    noise, pressure waves also...
    What is it? heat close to the surface: hot rocks, or steam from water percolating down into hot rocks. MAG-MA (important: say in voice of Doctor Evil)
    CA leads in geothermal, HI also (here on BI, puna geothermal ventures)
    see also NZ (Rotorua) and iceland (everywhere) 50% for heating, 50% for electricity-also being seen as hydrogen fuel site-see car talk video:
    Who else do you know who has "vast energy resources and a very small population"?
    Ring any bells?
    see also closed loop systems: uses a coolant solution, very hot pipes, but no toxic gases released (an issue in Puna)
    Hydrogen sulfide gas is very nasty-turns to sulfuric acid in the lungs, toxic to fish, etc. etc.
    See also pyrolysis of water at high temperatures, perhaps even on your roof (one future elab project)
    Solar energy of another sort: the sun's gravity allows us to orbit, with the momentum from our initial explosion that formed the solar system ca. 5 by ago. Moon is also orbiting-us. As the moon passes overhead, its gravity attracts everything (very small rocks, cider, mud, churches, a duck) including MAG-MA, continental plates, you, and the oceans.
    As these bulges in water recede, they form currents and tides (not the same: tides ebb and flow, currents are relatively constant-see the Alenuihaha channel between Maui and Hawai'i)
    One can harness these currents and tides for power, as they are essentially very small head (∆h) hydroelectric projects, except current energy, which has less to do with relative height than with global movement of water.
    5 meters of ∆h needed to make tidal worthwhile. About 5 mph (2 m/s) needed to make current profitable, Hawaii has 12-20 mph current in the channel (google the UH ship Holo Holo, lost at sea, about 1977. issues: technical-biofouling, damage, corrosion.
    Not sexy, but dollar for dollar, 4x more efficient than installing new wind or PV.
    Like filling a bathtub while leaving the drain open.
    idea: find out what energy-star means on an appliance
    CFL bulbs-issues: mercury
    see also small scale cogen plants (lichtblick)
    Storage methods:
    Fuel cells-just like in Apollo 13
    + no pollution
    - 40% efficient, 90% if you capture the waste heat for heating water, buildings, etc. Recall your first weeks here, and the idea of entropy-see how it fits now?
    Can one make hydrogen non-flammable? No, but we can make it less explosive (lithium hydride canisters)
    PSH pumped storage hydro (one reason the energy lab is sited where it is)

    View these videos, questions follow:
    About the School in Ladakh:

    Hydrogen Power:
    or here:
    or Here if you are on the HPA network:

    Read chapter 9, short quizzes this section instead of larger ones, be prepared each day.

    Next assignment: Read this weblog on biofuels:

    Mr. Emmons' moonshine page:

    Let us know how we can help.

    Coal vs. Nuclear
    Please watch this video, questions are below.

    We will review 20 questions before the exam on chapter 8. Choose your questions wisely, perhaps ones that you may not be certain of.
    Test to follow the review session, homework due at the beginning of class, so make a note of the questions you want to review before you turn in your work.

    Below is a summary of notes from chapter 8 that might help you review.

    Let us know if you have questions.

    <b>Video questions:</b>
    Please complete these over the weekend, and email your answers as well as the questions to me at bill@hpa.edu:

    What is the "perfect storm" referred to in the video?

    Trace the evolution of coal from a 19th century fuel to a 21st century fuel

    What are the two biggest fuels for electrical power in the US? Compare this to the audio about the two energy systems in the US. What is the connection?

    China starts a coal fired power plant every 6 days. How long will each plant be emitting CO2?

    What are the big issues with coal?

    "Clean coal" is now (2010) thought to be a myth. The video was done five years ago. Discuss both sides of this issue, including research on recent data (wikipedia might help).

    How many years could coal provide energy is the issues were resolved?

    Why would a politician from Montana want a carbon sequestration plant there? Where is the powder river basin? What comes from there?

    The Coal Lady describes sequestration like a sponge-a better analogy might be CO2 into carbonated water, like we did in class. Why would they be concerned about faults? Why has no one tested CO2 sequestration, even the progressive test plant in Florida?

    Su-bituminous coal is one type. What are the others, and why are they different?

    Why does Dan Kammen think CO2 sequestration is a bad idea, or bad science? Is he wrong? What do you think? Why is he against the IGCC plant?

    Coal power costs about $2 per kWh. Solar is about $5 per kWh, but may soon be as cheap as $0.50 per kWh. What would this do to the coal industry?

    Coal lady says that we now release 100% of the CO2. How is she manipulating you?

    IGCC stands for what, and why is it different from traditional plants? Why is the government helping fund this test? What do they do with the CO2?

    Are you starting to see why to understand global climate change you first have to grasp the coal issue? Why?

    We studied the cyclic nature of renewable energy development. Why is the fossil fuel cycle making this problematic?

    Why is nuclear desirable over coal? Nuclear guy compares wind to nuclear, but he fudges the numbers-how is he lying?

    What are the challenges to using nuclear power? Are these social or scientific?

    Explain what happened at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl.

    What is a pebble bed modular reactor (PBMR), and how is it different from traditional nuclear plants?

    The Germans keep coming up in our discussions of energy. Why? In Victorian England of 1850, a gentleman was taught Latin instead of Chemistry, which was thought of a subject for menials. How did this differ from the German system?

    Explain the Lego model for a PBMR, and why it changes the return on investment (ROI) and the net present value (NPV) for a nuclear plant.

    The video does not mention it, but we are now (2010) reaching peak cheap uranium as well as peak cheap oil. How would this change the tone of the solutions presented?

    Vijay is optimistic-why?

    <b>Notes from Chapter 8 in the textbook</b>
    ch 8 notes-energy patterns of consumption
    sun->photosynthesis is main course of terrestrial energy
    civilization: agriculture, domesticated animals, wood for cooking/shelter
    industrial revolution: coal (was for heating, hard to mine)
    Ind. rev: more coal (mining devices), steam heat/power-began in UK
    good points: portable, can be industrially concentrated (e.g. mined), used for many purposes (heat, steam-> kWh, syngas, plastics)
    n.b. fig 8.4-note trends from renewable (wood) to limited (fossil fuels)
    natural gas-easy to gather (surface wells), easy to process, store
    nat gas 23% of US energy
    n.b. T. Boone Pickens' energy plan (look up on wikipedia)
    biomass: renewable, but low energy density
    How to concentrate? See BTL, Fischer-Tropsch process:
    See fig 8.6-why is Canada so high? Why is Bengaladesh so low?
    n.b. heating water-greatest energy use for lowest quality energy-crazy!
    See fig 8.8-why are we so high? why again is B so low?
    Electricity: both a means for consumption and a means of transport (e.g. wires)
    Primary electircal sources: burning fossil fuels, nuclear, hydro, geothermal, wind, tidal, solar
    n.b. Norway and Canada hydro-why?
    n.b. Iceland all geothermal-why?
    n.b. France-nuclear-why? recall Mururoa atoll
    50% of power in Korea for industry!
    Governmental influence on energy use: OPEC 1973, CAFE standards, coal subsidies, interstate system vs. rail and bus systems
    electrical energy pricing-we will soon see a film on Enron-yikes!
    OPEC-July 2008: $149/bbl
    n.b. fig 8.14-what is the fastest growing region? why should this worry us?
    see fig 8.15-notice OPEC countries, and regions of political instability
    Is renewable energy our best means of national defense?

    Energy, Chapter 8
    Remember in the beginning of our time together we discussed the four critical issues that you will have to navigate, cope with and/or solve: water, energy, food and culture.
    This chapter is about energy, but not in the way usually covered in science textbooks, yet more in depth than you may have covered in any social studies textbook. This is such an important issue, yet it goes unmentioned in most of your classes.
    It is vital that you understand not only the chain of energy use in our society and that of others, but the changes and vulnerabilities in these chains.

    Some basic concepts:
    1. All energy ultimately comes from the sun, either long ago as fossil fuels or biomass, as precipitation turning into hydroelectric power, convection driving wind, uranium deep in the core from the formation of the earth for geothermal, or the motion of the moon for tidal energy. It all comes from the sun in one way or another, renewably or stored from events long ago.

    2. Before plants evolved on this planet, it looked a lot like Mars: red atmosphere, very hot, very high carbon dioxide levels. You saw this in the video. Plants converted this atmospheric carbon into plant structures like wood, which then either decomposed back into atmospheric carbon, or if it were covered, into fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas, depending on what covered it up (swamps, oceans or land).

    3. When we dig up this stored carbon and combine it with oxygen in the atmosphere, a process we call "burning", it releases that stored carbon back into the atmosphere. Why should we care about this? Remember Mars? Radiation from the sun passes through our atmosphere. Some of it is trapped by layers in the atmosphere on the way down, this is necessary for life. I'm talking about the ozone layer and ultraviolet light. Visible light passes relatively easily to the ground, where it heats the ground, turning visible light into heat (longer wavelength, lower energy). This heat radiates back to space, but is trapped by several gases: among these are water vapor (one reason IR telescopes are located on the top of Mauna Kea, above the water vapor in the atmosphere), and carbon dioxide, which is dispersed through the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide does not allow infrared (heat) radiation to pass very well, effectively bouncing it back to the surface. Think of the black dashboard of your car in the sun: visible light passes through the windshield, hits the black plastic, then re-radiates back as heat, which cannot pass through the glass. Result: your car gets very hot. This is called the greenhouse effect, because since Roman times, it has been used to grow warm plants in cold environments, using glass houses called greenhouses. Clever, eh?
    So, here's your question: if we continue digging up and burning fossil fuels stored eons ago when the atmosphere was full of carbon dioxide, and use this stored energy to run our civilization, what will happen to the temperature of the atmosphere?
    This is one reason this chapter is much more important than you might sense at first reading.

    4. Fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal have other elements stored with them that are released when burned. One example is the heavy metals and sulfur stored in coal: when it burns, it releases these elements into either the air (sulfur dioxide which then becomes acid rain) or in the toxic ash left behind (fly ash). So, beyond the greenhouse effect, fossil fuels make our life harder in other ways.

    5. The control of fossil fuels begins with the industrial revolution, when coal was the big fuel, because it could be mined from the ground at rates higher and cheaper than one could harvest and transport wood. It is all about "intensity". Wood is a great, renewable biomass, but if you are lazy, or you run out of forest, you can dig up coal, which has much more energy stored in it per kg. Until about 1870, all oil came from whales (the reason that Lahaina developed over on Maui back then). After 1870, oil was discovered in Pennsylvania (you may have seen cans of oil labeled Pennzoil, this is why), which at first replaced whale oil for lamps and lubrication for machines, then was distilled or "cracked" into it's constituents: kerosene, diesel, gasoline, tar, asphalt, and others. Natural gas usually came along with oil, and the methods for collecting and compressing this into a usable fuel came along as well (you may have heard of gaslight in older literature-this was usually methane from these wells, captured and stored in large urban areas, then piped into houses and streets for lighting, heating and cooking).
    The big concept again is intensity: wood is renewable, but coal, oil and gas are more concentrated, can be stored without rotting, and can be more easily transported and concentrated for industrial use. If we were still an agrarian (farming) society alone, we would not find fossil fuels so critical-unless…

    6. Fertilizers are made up of three elements: N-P-K, which stand oddly for nitrogen, phosphorus and potash or potassium (kalium). The more critical of these for agriculture are the N and P parts. Through history, P was so critical that they actually dug up the bones of dead soldiers after major battles (such as Waterloo) to use as fertilizer, since bones are where we store phosphorus in our bodies. Nations sent ships all over the world looking for islands populated by birds and caves of bats because the bat guano (poop) was so high in phosphorous as well as nitrogen. Sailing ships would fill their holds with bird and bat poop and sail back to England to maintain their agricultural economy. Gunpowder (potassium nitrate, sulfur and charcoal) is made from nitrogen as well, in the form of nitrates. Most of this came from Chile, or from these poop ships.
    Late in the 1800's, a German chemist named Haber found a way to extract the nitrogen in the air to form three chemicals: aniline, used to dye wool and cotton (recall the term "dyed in the wool"), make nitrogen based fertilizers, and to make gunpowder. You may know that a big thing happened in Germany around this time, with a dude named Bismarck (later to have a battleship and a town in the Dakotas named after him). Bismarck united the various city-states of Germany into one country. Ok, now put these together:
    a. large country, lots of land
    b. fertilizer, to make lots of crops on that land
    c. food from these crops to increase the health and number of the population
    d. new permanent chemical dyes that break the British monopoly on dying wool and cotton from their plantation countries of India and Egypt, among others. Think: loads of money.
    e. gunpowder so you can go to war to get more land for (a) above using the soldiers from c above, fed by crops from (b) above, with weapons bought with money from (d) above.
    The Germans invaded France, among other places. This was called World War I.

    7. Later on, in 1932 King Ibn Saud formed the country of Saudi Arabia (see the word Saud in there?). Shortly thereafter, while drilling wells for water, they discovered oil. They then worked with an American company (Standard Oil) to collect and refine this oil, called ARAMCO, the Arab American Oil Company in 1933. All was just dandy until 1973, when the Arabs in Egypt, Syria and other places tried to attack Israel, our ally in the Yom Kippur War, to whom we gave weapons, and more importantly, satellite photos of the attacking Arabs, who were then defeated by the Israelis. Do you imagine the Arabs were happy about this? They were not. As major players in OPEC (the organization of petroleum exporting countries, controlling 78% of the world oil supply) they embargoed oil from any country friendly to Israel, including the US.
    Check it out:

    The result? All oil products increased in price, our economy faltered (we were just then finishing up a nasty, long war in Asia), and our country realized that energy was a critical issue. Conservation became important, our approach to cars, buildings and electricity changed, and it seemed like we were moving towards renewable energy sources.

    Then, in 1978, Russia invaded Afghanistan. We pulled out of the olympics in 1980, Reagan came to power, devoted to crushing the Soviets by outspending them on the military. The Soviets needed cash, so they sold as much oil and natural gas as they could. The result? The price of oil dropped, renewable energy went to sleep, and Reagan took off the solar panels President Carter had installed on the white house. So it goes.

    But wait! There's more! In 1990, Iraq, a major oil country, invaded Kuwait, our pal and an even more major oil country. Though small, these guys were loaded with cash, so we offered to help them kick Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait, which we did in the first gulf war. Oil, politics and the economy are never far from each other through history. Fast forward to 2008, when oil went from around $20 per barrel to $149 per barrel. This was like the 1973 Arab Oil Embargo, renewable energy once again became popular, conservation and smaller cars were in vogue, you get the picture. Do you notice a cycle here? Can you see a solution to this problem that will only get worse as you get older?

    Well you need to know something else: the supply is running out. This is called "Peak oil" and it is even scarier than the last few oil shocks, because it is not so much political as it is a physical reality:

    The point is, we are running out of what is known as "cheap oil". Think of this: why was BP drilling in water 5 thousand feet deep off the coast of Louisiana? There will always be oil in some places, but the cost of recovering it (either money or environmental or political) will exceed the market value. Notice I say market value here, if a country goes to war, this is no longer market driven.

    Does this mean all we have to do is conserve energy, develop alternate renewable energy sources and we are all set?
    Not quite.
    Remember the Haber process? Sometime after oil became cheap, folks found a way to create fertilizers economically using petrochemicals. These replaced the less intense fertilizers (like bat and bird poop) that one had to gather, and enabled farmers to have access to cheap, effective fertilizers, raising yields and lowering the cost of food. Now think of peak oil. What will this mean for farmers, food supplies and political stability?
    Throw into this mix a relatively recent development: using petrochemicals to grow corn in a monoculture that is then used not for food but for ethanol. The carbon balance on this is not only ugly, it is not sustainable. More than 1 liter of petroleum is used to create 1 liter of ethanol, while also diverting food crops to fuel.
    There is another recent development related to crops and energy: Back in the 1930's, Germany (again) had limited access to petroleum, but ready access to coal. They needed petroleum for their economy, and two German scientists Fischer and Tropsh devised a process for turning coal into liquid fuel, called CTL (coal to liquid).
    Recently, this process has been updated to enable biomass to liquid (BTL) to be economically viable. This is key, because it (a) does not use food crops, instead focusing on grasses and fast growing trees, (b) is sustainable, as the biomass grows naturally, captures carbon from the atmosphere, then carries this carbon as an energy vehicle where needed, then releases the carbon as carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and c) enables countries with low intensity energy (e.g. agrarian or farming nations) to be energy self sufficient, or even energy exporters, enabling them to trade for other things, or to fend off predatory investment that might otherwise threaten their people, their environment, or their future.

    So, we come full circle: Forests were sustainable, yet not concentrated enough for the wasteful industrial revolution of the 1850's. It was replaced by coal, then by oil, which has now reached peak production. We are now at a place in history where we can once again harvest sustainable biomass, use it wisely, and reach a sustainable energy future, while not threatening food supplies, political boundaries or cultures. Biomass is a part of the solution, that fits our current energy use, storage and distribution system. One reason we are studying electricity in class is that you may have heard of the "smart grid". One key to the adoption of renewable energy will be the storage and distribution of this energy from places where it is harvested (sunny, windy, geothermal or hydroelectric areas) to the places where the users are (urban areas formed in the fossil fuel era). Will these areas shift to be closer to the sources of the power? Perhaps. Some very wise, very wealthy folks are on to this: T. Boone Pickens made his billions on oil. He has now sold all of that, and is installing wind farms all over Texas.
    Warren Buffet, another billionaire just bought the Southern Pacific Railroad, on which most of the coal in our country is delivered, usually from the Powder River Basin in Utah and nearby to power what? The coal fired electric plants around the country. Notice where these guys, who are experts at looking around the next corner are positioning themselves.
    Two energy Systems in the US

    T.Boone Pickens: "we don't get on our own resource when we have the opportunity to do it, this generation could go down as probably the dumbest crowd that ever came down the street."

    Electricity in America:

    Framing climate change

    Please review these questions, and turn in for credit Wednesday:

    Our first energy exam will be on Friday, 10.29.

    Let us know how we can help.

    AAAAHHHH! The test from hell!
    First of all, each and every one of you did better than you think on this test. It was our first example of what Mr. Emmons and I have been describing in the AP exam: some questions are easy, some are so so, and some are really brutal. You all did surprisingly well in the toughest parts of this, and I've created a review sheet of the most commonly missed questions here:

    What might be a nice idea would be for us to re-test you on these questions soon, so you can get some of those precious points. Let us know how you think about this idea.

    Second point: the question on parallel growth was poorly worded, so I threw it out. You will all notice that your grade on the gradebook for the test is 2 points higher than that listed on the test site. It's because we are such nice guys.

    Speaking of nice guys, Mr. Emmons and I care deeply about your experience here, and how we can both prepare you for a tough exam in May, while also engaging you as creative, whole, contributing beings with a great deal to share.

    We are working on finding the best ways to do this, and each class is different, just as each of you learns in your own unique way. We are trying to find that way for each of you, and support you. You may have noticed we tried multiple choice, true false and short answer questions on this last test. You all rocked on the multi-part matching question, which should have been one of the toughest-great work folks.
    As for the short answer questions, many of you had great answers, others had just enough to get the point across, and others tried valiantly to snow us. We have seen more snow than Antarctica, so don't go that route next time. The best answers came from those who took notes in class, reviewed the notes, and read the text before class. This is not magic, but you may find it makes the difference in college between those who survive and those who thrive.

    Next class: Wednesday we'll go over the exam, then prepare for chapter 8 on energy. We will have a hands-on workshop for you, so make sure you bring your calculator to class.

    As always, please let us know how we can help.

    Week of 10.18.10
    Monday we will begin with an exam. We'll be including both true/false and short answer questions this time, to help prepare you for the AP exam.
    Make sure you read the following topics on wikipedia:
    Dissolved Oxygen
    Water quality index
    capillary action

    Please also listen to this short clip on population:

    We appreciate that you need to plan out your week, so please read chapter 8 for class this week, which will prepare you for our discussion of energy. Please make sure you bring your calculator to class on Wednesday.

    Let us know if there is any way we can help.

    Let's move the test for chapter 7 to Monday, and go over population some more on Thursday. There was a great deal of material, and we went over it very, very fast.
    Here's what you are responsible for:
    Thursday: turn in your chapter outline to Mr. Emmons
    Weekend: Finish your questions, and do the online practice quiz (see previous post)
    Monday: HW and online practice quiz due, test on chapter 7, finish up soils lab.
    Wednesday: Begin chapter 8 on energy, lab on energy audits
    Thursday: Show your parents how smart you are with the energy meters

    We hope this is better and more humane, let us know if we can help further. Please view these videos for class Thursday:

    If you have time, this is another very cool one where Ted Rosling predicts what day, month and year that Asia will overtake the world:


    Chapter 7 questions, notes-SEE Q2 PLAN BELOW
    Chapter 7 population questions Due Thursday 10.14.10
    What factors impact a population?
    What are the three survivorship curves for sheep, birds and plants?
    Describe the population curves for + growth, neutral growth and - growth
    Explain "biotic potential"
    What are the 4 parts of a population curve, including overshoot
    In the Denali wolf/moose example, explain the overshoot and phase shift
    Explain the K and r tragegies, including the formula for growth rate
    What is the extinction rate?
    Explain the rule of 70, and give three examples
    What was Malthus' proposal, and why has it not come true (so far)
    Explain the IPAT formula, and give an example (be creative)
    TFR means what?
    What TFR is belived to be stable equilibrium?
    What was the TFR for women in China in the 1980's? Why?
    Explain why the literacy of women is related to fertility and sustainability?
    Explain the trophic level pyramids, and why vegetarians are more sustainable than carnivores (e.g. humans)
    Explain and graph the four stages in the demographic transition model
    If you look at the population curves for the US (figure 7.18), you will see the WW I baby boom and the WW II baby boom. Explain the "boom echo".
    Chapter 7 population notes
    n.b. c/c means cunningham text, see the AP env sci folder on this server, here:
    population: same species, same location
    Factors: birthrate (natality), death rate (mortality), sex ratio, age distribution, growth rate (r), density, spatial distribution
    birthrate is per 1000 people, so 20/2000 is 10/k per year
    mortality is same
    survivorship curves (see fig 7.2) sheep-long life, birds-predators, non specific, plants-lots of offspring don't survive
    population growth rate = Brate - Drate
    See Fig 7.1, see also 6.6 in c/c page 123
    Sex ratio: women always on the right
    age distribution curves: pyramid is + growth, parallel is stable growth, inverted pyramid is - growth
    repro years = 15-40 for female humans
    see figure 7.3
    spatial distribution: flowers
    emigration: out, immigration:in
    biotic potential: inherent repro capacity: geese=10/year, elephants=0.5/year
    population curves: see figure 7.5
    lag section: lots of food, takes time to reproduce
    exponential section: grows according to At = A0 e kt
    deceleration: food supply outstripped by population
    stable: balance
    overshoot: too many for food supply
    see figure 6.3 and 6.4 in c/c chapter 6, page 119
    see also figure 6.8 in c/c on overshoot
    limiting factors: environmental resistance
    extrinsic: predators, food source
    intrinsic: self controlled, mice fertility drops in overpopulation (negative feedback)
    see figure 6.10 in c/c, extinction rate
    density dependent: predators, food
    density independent: frost, flood, fire
    limiting factors: energy, waste, raw materials
    CARRYING CAPACITY-always on the AP exam: stable population, renewable resources, sustainable
    "stable" is really negative feedback, equilibrium
    K: mammals, take care of young, reach stable population at carrying capacity, few offspring, density dependent, low infant mortality
    r: bacteria, lots of offspring, high infant mortality, limited by density independent factors (fire, flood, etc.)
    see the growth formula: N is population, t is time, r is growth rate, K is carrying capacity:
    ∆N/∆t = rN(1-N/K)
    n.b. as N/k -> 1, ∆N/∆t -> 0
    negative feedback is the key here
    r: less crowded, so N/K is close to 0, so rate is rN
    K: follows carrying capacity, so N/K close to 1, so rate is close to 0
    Malthus: population grows exponentially, food linearly, tf crash
    see fig 7.12
    Impact: IPAT
    Impact = population * affluence * technology (we are high on all three)
    imagine a village...
    Demography: birthrate vs. deathrate
    TFR: total fertility rate: number of offpring in female lifetime
    2.1 is stable (why not 2.0?)
    first child age: 14 in LDC, 21 in DC
    see population bomb, ca. 1970
    see c/c 7.17
    see fig 7.14
    Africa vs. US (5.0 TFR vs. 1.6 TFR)
    female literacy prop. to TFR, tf GFO focus, also Grameen bank
    china 1980, one child policy (some of these kids go to HPA)
    tf no concept of sister or brother...the term disappeared...
    ChengDu earthquake-China govt. allowed parents to have another child
    GNI = gross national income
    PPP = purchase power parity (e.g."fair trade")
    see Mexico workers
    see fig. 7.15, p. 159 Grameen bank
    Trophic pyramid: n = 1% for carnivore, 10% for herbivore
    see fig. 7.17 Demographic transition model
    1. premodern: high BR, high DR, low, stable population
    2. urbanization: high BR, low DR, growing pop.
    3. mature: low BR (literacy of females), low DR, slowly increasing pop.
    4. post-industrial: low BR, low DR, stable pop.
    see fig 7.18, pop curves
    WW I baby boom, ca. 1918
    WW II baby boom, 1945-65 (parents were 20-40 yrs. old)
    where is the "boom echo"?
    What happened to the pop curves of Iran and Iraq following 1980-1990 period?
    To what gender?
    See c/c 7.11 and 7.14

    Quarter 2 plan
    Nice work on the last quarter, our next section will begin with population, then spend a few chapters on Energy.
    Let's begin this week with Chapter 7 in the text, which you should read before class. We'll go over notes on chapter 7 Monday in class, then test on it when we meet on Thursday. Since this is being posted on Sunday afternoon, instead of Friday afternoon, let's make the chapter outline due to Mr. Emmons on Thursday, unless we have any schedule changes.
    Here's an outline of the next two weeks:

    Monday, 10.11: Chapter 7-Population notes in class (check here for video updates as well)
    Thursday, 10.14: Chapter 7 test: population

    Monday, 10.18: Begin Chapter 8 on energy, begin our first energy lab
    Wednesday, 10.20: Chapter 8 on energy, more hands-on labs
    Thursday, 10.21 (parent's day): short class on energy audits, you get to show your parents how smart you are...

    Please complete the practice quiz for chapter 7 by Thursday, here is the link:

    One last thing: Here is a question from the AP exam last year. Make sure you know the answer before class tomorrow:

    If you were to look at a map of the world biomes, what five-step pattern would you generally see as your eyes move from the regions at the equator to the regions at the poles (put these in correct order):

    deciduous forest, tropical forest, ice and snow, taiga, tundra

    As always, let us know how can help.

    Week of 10.4.10, last week in the first quarter
    This week (Tuesday and Thursday), we'll be going over chapter 6 (see notes below), reviewing your answers to the Earth video, and wrapping up our soils lab. As you may already know, Friday is the end of the quarter, so all work must be turned in for credit before then.
    We'll plan on a chapter 6 test Thursday, along with all of the other test in every other class you are taking.

    Here are some helpful links from past entries:

    Study questions online:

    Remember to select the chapter on the left, then look for practice quiz below that:

    Test link:

    Online grades:

    Let us know if you have any questions.

    Notes for chapter 5, 6 and earth videos
    Please check out the notes below, and the earth videos assignment:

    Addition: here are Mr. Emmons' notes from last class:

    <b>apes reading notes 
ch 5</b>
    apes reading notes
    ch 5 environments and organisms
    n.b. means nota bene, in latin, "note well"
    esp. = especially
    w/o = without
    bc = because
    wrt= with respect to
    iff=if and only if
    e.g.=for example
    Op cit= Opus Citera, cited in the work
    btw=by the way
    ttfn=ta ta for now
    pos=parent over shoulder
    energy and matter flow is critical
    everything that affects an organism=environment
    abiotic=not living, biotic=living
    limiting factor-see also rate limiting factor-recall cafeteria line, create your own image
    range of tolerance-critical to adaptability (not mentioned in the book)
    habitat-place, niche-role
    adaptation-change in organism to meet surroundings and survive/thrive
    genes-DNA determining characteristics
    you=25% mom, 25% dad
    population=same kind, same place
    species=population concept: all organisms capable of reproduction with that gene set
    natural selection: process, close fit between demands of environment and organism
    NS over time=evolution
    Natural Selection:
    1. genetic variation (if none, then there is no outstanding survivor possible)
    2. plenty of offspring, leading to…
    3. stress on the system resources (food, water, land etc.)
    4. outstanding survivors reproduce
    5. incremental changes over generations improve adaptation (could be fast, like bacteria or fruit flies)
    Speciation=like specialization in medicine: general doctors become radiologists
    Often caused by splits in populations (sub populations) like the bunnies and the river…
    diploid=you, 2 sets of chromosomes (colored bodies)
    ployploidy=many chromosomes (e.g. plants)
    Extinction=not enough of a species to effectively reproduce. Effective is the key word, genetic variation diminishes way before extinction occurs.
    background rate: 10 species per year
    present rate: many times this
    co-evolution: two species change together, often in symbiosis
    Competition: interspecies (hawks, owls, foxes hunting the same mice), intraspecies (fastest wins in similar plants)
    Symbiosis (see below)
    Competitive Exclusion Principle (CEP): no 2 species can occupy the same niche in the same place (habitat) at the same time.
    Symbiotic relationships:
    Parasitism: B (parasite) feeds on A (host), A suffers for this
    Vectors may be involved that carry the parasite (e.g. mosquitoes)
    ectoparasites-outside endoparasites-inside
    Commensalism: B benefits from A, A does not suffer
    Mutualism: A benefits, B benefits
    e.g. nitrogen fixing bacteria: mycorrhizae
    Others: nest parasitism (cow bird), blood parasites
    Community: different species in same area (ecosystem)
    Producers: turn inorganic sources into organic sources, e.g. plants (sun energy) or sulfur plants (Sulfur oxidation and heat from deep sea volcanic vents)
    consumers: Primary (eat the plants, e.g. herbivores) or secondary (carnivores, they eat the herbivores)
    Omnivores: eat everything
    Decomposers: decay everything back to organic and inorganic materials
    Keystone species: critical role in balance of the ecosystem: remove them and the ecosystem cannot function
    e.g. bison, sea otter
    n.b. energy flow through the ecosystem
    Trophic levels (very important)
    producers: level 1
    primary consumers: level 2
    secondary consumers: level 3
    meat eating carnivores: level 4
    90% energy is lost in every transition (recall our talk on energy tax)
    Low trophic level is sustainable
    Can also be demonstrated by comparing biomass pyramid
    Food chains, food webs (both were on the AP exam last year btw)
    Food chain: series of organisms at ascending trophic levels, energy flows up
    see also bio-accumulation of Hg (mercury)
    detritus-decaying matter from living things
    good web-intersection of several food chains, mutual interdependence, biodiversity, all good things...
    Biochemical cycles (n.b. chemical)
    Many chemical cycles, three are critical: carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus
    Carbon-stored in atmosphere as CO2, then in bones and organic matter (e.g. wood)
    Nitrogen-stored in atmosphere as N2 (gas), used as NO3 and NH4 by primary producers, basis for protein (CHON)
    Phosphorus-from rocks, stored in bones-see Waterloo diggers…yuk
    photosynthesis-50% occurs in the oceans
    light converted to sugar (recall Maui onions)
    can track carbon as C14/6 through atmosphere, to CHO (plant) to CHON(protein) to CO2 or oil
    All Americans over 50 have traces of C14 from atomic bomb testing in our bones…radioactive phosphorus as well…more yuk
    green manure-sacrificial bean crops
    crop rotation-n.b.
    Question: why was Nauru so high in PO4? Hint: it is an island
    fossil fuels burned-how does this change the Carbon cycle balance?
    n.b. erg runoff: recall the video on Chesapeake R. eutrophication, algal blooms and red tides (we did not cover these, look them up on wikipedia)

    <b>Chapter 6 notes</b>
    Chapter 6 notes: Ecosystems and communities
    Succession-communites proceed through series of recognizable, predicatable changes in structure over time
    long lasting and stable
    factors: climate, food, invasion etc.
    climax comm. stable, long lasting result of succession
    determined by climate, water, substrate and org. type
    primary succession-no existing organisms
    secondary succession-destruction of existing ecosystem
    Primary succession-terrestrial-
    factors: substrate (e.g. soil), climate, repro structures, rate of growth, organic matter, water
    pioneer comm.- first to colonize bare rock (e.g. lichen)
    later comm.-soil available, holds water (life)
    1 pioneer stage
    lichen: mutualistic: algae/bacteria(photosynthesis) + fungi to hold on
    2 secondary stage: soil: retains water, structural support
    (succession: plants shade lichens)
    3 climax community-stable, diverse, interconnected, interdependent, many niches, recycle biomass (constant)
    process of succession is called a sere, stages are seral stages
    see fig 6.3-imagine driving from puako to waimea
    Primary succession-aquatic
    limnotic/riparian-transitional, fills with sediment
    1. aquatic vegetation-e.g. aquarium, leads to wet soil and terrestrial networks (roots, wet meadow)
    2. transitional: biomass of trees creates top layers of soil, transition to terrestrial climax comm.
    imagine trip from middle of lake to shore-see all transitions
    bogs=transitional stage from shore to dry land (Ireland, Scotland)
    Secondary Succession-terrestrial
    recall: existing comm. is replaced
    e.g. pond fills to become a meadow, then climax forest
    can reverse: beaver dams: land to aquatic
    see also human dams, exponential decay curve
    determined by climate, altitude, water (precipitation), temperature
    similar niches and habitats in each biome

    <b> Earth Questions</b>
    earth questions
    How old is the earth? How old did early church leaders think it was?
    Hutton found what rock formation in Scotland was the clue to the real age of the earth?
    Kelvin used thermal cooling calculations to determine the age for the earth-how long was this?
    Why was he wrong?
    What is "deep time"?
    What is so special about "pillow lavas"? What is the Hawaiian name for these?
    What does Zircon have to do with aging the planet? What do they tell us about the source of water?
    Water is neat stuff. Why would the temperature of the earth 4 bY ago accelerate changes?
    3.4 bY ago a new type of rock was formed-what is this rock, and how does it fit into the asthenosphere picture of plate tectonics?
    South Africa hosts the CapeVal Cretins: what are these? Why are these important? What did these have to do with the beginning of life? Where was life limited to before these?
    What are stromatolites, and what did they produce? From what?
    Playford found what? What is the impact of what he found?
    What caused the change in the color of the oceans? What then happened to the atmosphere? What color was the planet after this?
    What is a trilobite, and where are they found? Why are they significant? What did they prove?
    What did Wegener believe? How easy was this to prove? When and how was it finally proven?
    What does convection have to do with plate tectonics?
    Why is Iceland such an ideal place to study plate tectonics?
    What was Rodinia? Why did it cause climate change about 700 mY ago? Why is this so critical to understand today?
    What was the Cambrian Explosion? Why is it important? What did Walcott discover? Where? What is the Burgess Shale Quarry? Why is shale so special in this process?
    When did carnivores show up? Why? How did their presence change the evolution of creatures?
    What did the ozone shield enable the growth of? Where did the ozone come from?
    What formed the carbon in the carboniferous era? What did life look like 60 mY ago? What does this carbon look like today?
    What does the freshwater in a swamp enable? Why is this important?
    What did dead marine organisms transform into? Why is this important to us?
    What caused the first mass extinction? What is a mantle flume eruption?
    What was the name of the next supercontinent?
    What were the predominant survivors of the first mass extinction?
    Why would Utah be a good place to find these survivors?
    What would be the advantage of being "luke-warm" blooded?
    How did the first global warming trend change the dinosaurs? Why did this eventually become their downfall?
    The Kimberly "stove pipe" means what? How are diamonds formed?
    Who discovered the CT (KT) boundary, and what does it signify? When was this? When was it discovered, and how?
    How big was the Yucutan meteor? How was it found (look this up on wikipedia)
    50 mY ago, the mammals evolved. How did the demise of the dinosaurs make this possible? Science fiction movies often show cavemen fighting dinosaurs-why is this totally bogus?
    What is similar about the Alps and the Himalayas, apart from them being mountains? What limits their ultimate altitude?
    Mauna Loa is the largest landmass in the world. From the base of Mauna Loa on the 20,000 ft. deep ocean floor to it's top 13,500 ft. above sea level is much higher than Everest (29,000 ft.). How is this possible?
    2 mY ago, an ice age again struck. What triggered this? How long did it last?
    What makes glaciers flow? Do they flow faster or slower when they are thicker? Why?
    Explain the balance between temperature and the progress of glaciers.
    Glaciers often leave "unsorted" rocks, called glacial "till". What does this mean? Why would this differ from normal sedimentary sorting?
    It is said that our civilization has been a brief, stable warm period. What does this predict for global warming/cooling?
    What two oceans/seas will disappear when pangea ultima forms?

    Where are the videos?

    We'd like you to view this video (broken into pieces for downloading) this week, so we can discuss it in class. The earth questions above will be due Tuesday, 10.5.10.
    Please prepare for a quiz on chapter 5 Thursday, 9.30.10. We'll be going over notes on chapter 6 Tuesday and Thursday, as we have time, and you can plan for a chapter 6 test 10.5.10.

    Let us know if we can help, we hope chapter 6 articulates well with chapter 5. Chapter 7 will be on Populations, which is extremely interesting for you, we hope.

    e2 questions
    e2 questions
    Gray to Green
    1. What is the gray in gray to green?
    2. What were the challenges for the architects in the story?
    3. What is the Bauhaus, and why was it key in the success of the story?
    4. Can you imagine a similar recycling solution in your home town? How?
    5. What is the final message of this story?

    Green Machine
    1. Why is the title of this piece ironic (hint: it has to do with Chicago politics)
    2. What is the "heat island effect" and why is it so key in this case?
    3. How did they address this heat island effect?
    4. As a botanist, why would you think this is important?
    5. There is a proposal floating around to restore the prairie to native prairie grasses, which could then be used as biofuels. From an ecological perspective, why would this be a good step? Why from an energy standpoint? How would this compare to planting the same areas with corn for bio-ethanol?
    6. Sadhu Johnston mentions that Chicago is in a unique position to effect change. Why?
    7. What were the main industries in Chicago, and how could these moves change that direction?
    8. Sustainability is seen as finding new solutions to age old problems. Is this a social, education or technical issue?
    9. The lady mentions that quality of life does not need to diminish, why?
    10. What is the impact of LEED on green building? Short term and long term. 11. Describe the Factor 10 house.
    12. Describe the McDonald's green roof, and why it is bogus
    13. Looking around the energy lab, what ideas are shared in this story?

    Weekend readings-UPDATED
    We hope you have a great weekend, full of glee and bliss, while Mr. Emmons and I are shackled to our desks Monday.
    That said, to even out the burden of pain, we'd like you to read chapter 5, which is full of all sorts of goodies, including but not limited to:
    "Help! I've lost my niche!
    Who is that predator predating me and why?
    Keystone species exposed in building fraud!
    I'm a prisoner of a food web chain gang!
    My boyfriend and I have a symbiotic relationship..."

    As our resident biologist, Mr. Emmons will be leading the charge on these scintillating (good SAT word) goings-on, so make sure you bring lots of paper for notes, and kleenex for the weepy bits.

    We'll also be going into our soils lab, so you would be wise little grasshoppers if you read chapter 13 as preparation. Make sure you bring along your lab handouts. And your shovels. And your tractors. And any earth moving equipment you might own. We'd like to take you to the flume to see the double-secret ash deposits.

    Our next unit will be on biomes and ecosystems, which we will follow with chapter 7, on populations, which will be a real barn burner, particularly if your name is Malthus.

    For this weekend, please view the two videos, and check here for questions on them. I should have them up by Saturday.
    <b>UPDATE--Team, let's move the e2 video assignment to Friday, ok?
    Notes and questions will be up tonight.

    Let us know how we can help.

    Friday 9.17.10
    Please remember to bring in your chapter 4 outlines for HW. We'll have a test on chapter 4 in class, then begin our soils lab (weather permitting). Let us know if you have any questions. Please bring in a flash drive so we can give you the movies for the weekend:

    Check here for questions on these videos, due next week.

    Test link:


    Wednesday we'll begin with a quick quiz on atoms, elements and pH, then we'll begin our soils lab. It would be a good idea to review thermodynamics as we'll have a piece on this in our Friday quiz, and we want you to be prepared.

    Flash drives
    Please bring in a flash drive of your choice so we can pass on videos for questions this week.

    Cycle 3
    APES cycle 3
    Monday 9.13
    W 9.15
    F 9.17
    W 9.22
    F 9.24

    This weekend, chapter 4 is the reading assignment. Here are some notes:
    Please look these up on wikipedia for our discussion in class Monday:
    Cold fusion
    Cargo cult science

    Monday, we'll continue our discussion on the scientific method, then get into some basic notes on matter and chemistry. These are all in chapter 4.
    We'll be meeting in the whiteboard rooms so make sure you bring your notebooks.

    Wednesday, we'll begin our soils lab, which will use some of the concepts we discuss on Monday, such as pH, compounds and elements

    Friday, we'll have a test on chapter 4, then begin a discussion of chapter 5: the predator chapter…

    Wednesday 9.22 we'll continue the soil lab and chapter 5 notes, with the soil lab completed by Friday 9.24.

    Please let me know by email if you are still having issues viewing the e2 video.

    Jhernie found this cool 4 minute video on graphs:
    Check it out

    Check here for notes and updates

    e2 videos, homework
    After viewing the two TED videos on sustainability, we'd like you to move on to the first in a series of videos from a program called "e2: the economies of being environmentally conscious"

    The first series is on Design I, and the first episodes are "The Green Apple" and "Green for All". Please watch these so we can discuss in class Friday.
    We'll have three more in this series, then we'll move on to the others:

    Design I
    Design II
    Design III

    Each season has 5 episodes, with each episode focusing on an aspect of what we are studying together. We hope you find these as compelling as we do, and that they might inspire you to be change agents...

    "Green Apple"
    "Green for all"

    Questions Due Friday:

    design: e2 The Green Apple
    1. Why is Manhattan considered greener than most cities?
    2. Newer cities like LA have created automobile accessible designs. How does this directly tie to health and energy consumption for those working in that city compared to NYC?
    3. Describe 4TimesSquare in NYC as a green skyscraper. Discuss “frit” (sunlight) and “slag” (CO2).
    4. Describe how the “cost of people” living in a large city building affects the sustainability of that building.
    5. The Solaire is located in Downtown Manhattan's most desirable waterfront neighborhood - Battery Park City. Describe why it has become a marketing trend for culture change and eventually sustainability.

    design: e2 Green for All
    1. One in seven homes in the world are deemed inadequate. What is predicted in 30 years?
    2. Describe the Mexican government’s attempt to provide “modern” housing for the Yaqui Indians.
    3. The University of Texas graduate students devised a different design. Describe it.
    4. Step one of the Guadalupe Project in Austin Texas was The Alley Project? Describe the Alley project and what it was intended to do.
    5. New homes create a level of ownership in a community fueling sustainability that in turn develops political and social rights in the world. How can homes essentially reflect how a person lives?

    Let us know how we can help.

    Peak oil in the news
    Just released in Germany, this article in Der Spiegel is perfect timing for our discussion of peak oil and of supply and demand. Be sure to read the points in the middle:

    Please have a look at this cool link that Mr. DK found for you:

    way cool...

    Cycle two: 8.30.10-9.10.10 --UPDATED 1700 8.30.10
    <b>APES cycle 2 plan</b>
    8.30 Monday
    9.1 Wednesday
    9.3 Friday
    9.8 Wednesday
    9.10 Friday

    UPDATE: study questions online:

    In your readings for chapter 3, you may notice that the chart in figure 3.3 is whacky beyond belief.
    Here is a link to a much more clear explanation of supply and demand, pay attention to the graphs in blue and red:

    If you've already had Economics, then you probably know this...

    Lab folder:

    --updated link to Poisoned Waters Video:

    Weekend: view Poisoned waters on water quality issues, questions due Monday at beginning of class
    If you want to get ahead: read chapter 3 (see links below for chapter locations)
    8.30 Monday
    Poisoned Waters questions due at beginning of class
    Review chapters 1 and 2, quiz on chapters 1 and 2
    Water Quality Lab discussion
    Chapter 3 introduction

    9.1 Wednesday
    Chapter 3 discussion, more shorter videos online
    Water Quality Lab beginning
    Reminder: X period open for questions
    Please watch this video online: 

    and this one on sustainability: 

    These are the first of many TED talks I'll be passing on to you. I hope these are enlightening for you. 
I'd like to move from economics and environmental science to design, in other words, how you would use the wisdom you are now developing to change the design of our buildings, our cities and our world. 
    You will find some things in the readings that would be very helpful to look up on wikipedia. I trust all of you have seen wikipedia at http://www.wikipedia.org 
The list from Chapter 3: 

    risk assessment 


clean air act 

    safe drinking water act

cradle to cradle 




    seventh son of the seventh son 
indoor air pollution 

    dead zones in gulf of Mexico 
supply and demand (study the three curves) 

    contingent valuation method 

    deferred costs 

    external costs 


    pollution-prevention costs 
cost benefit analysis 

    Environmental impact statement 

    NEPA act of 1969 
tragedy of the commons

    command and control approach 

    cap and trade 


    sustainable development 
debt for nature swap 

    methyl mercury 

    Responsible Care 

    9.3 Friday
    Water Quality Lab
    Check here for more details
    Lab work
    Videos (check here for update)
    Read chapter 4
    9.8 Wednesday
    Chapter 3 wrap-up, quiz
    Begin work on chapter 4
    9.10 Friday Chapter 4 notes, class discussion

    Test link for Monday's class, chapter one test:

    Questions for Water Quality Index, due Wednesday:

    Water Quality Index questions

    Look up WQI in wikipedia and answer the following:

    What is the WQI

    What metrics are part of the WQI

    Why is it called an index instead of something else?

    Why are each category weighted differently?

    After viewing the Polluted Waters video, how effective is the WQI in measuring water quality in each of the cases presented? Why? What is missing? How would you detect these?

    What would be the impact financially, socially, and environmentally, and in what time frame?

    In your opinion, do you think water quality is getting better, worse or staying the same:
    In Hawaii
    In the Mainland US
    In your home town (if you live in Waimea, then in Honolulu)

    Resource links
    Hi folks,
    I hope this helps you now and in the future:
    Here is the folder with all of the chapters from the text:

    You might find some interesting things hidden in there.

    Likewise, there is a folder for all of our videos here:

    The main folder for all of our resources is here:

    Here is a link to the phone version of the video:

    I hope this helps.

    Week two, cycle 01.2-UPDATED
    Text link:

    Please see me Wednesday if you are having issues with the video.
    Meeting dates this week:
    Tuesday 8.24
    Thursday 8.26

    Text chapter two: Environmental Ethics
    Outline for homework, due Thursday
    Review Questions, due Thursday

    Video: Frontline: Poisoned Waters
    Or here:
    Watch online, answer questions here:
    1 When was the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) formed? What events prompted its formation?

    2 How did deregulation of industry during the Reagan years affect water quality and the overall power of the Environmental Protection Agency?
    ◦ What does “voluntary compliance” mean?

    ‚ó¶ Why do businesses favor voluntary compliance?

    3 The Clean Water Act of 1972 allows citizens to sue alleged offenders if government agencies do not act. Why is that provision of the law important?

    4 The expression “canary in the coal mine” means an early warning of danger. (Coal miners would carry canaries or small animals with them into mines to detect deadly but odorless and tasteless methane gas.)
    ◦ To what does the expression “canary in the coal mine” apply in Poisoned Waters?

    5 Twenty million Americans took to the streets for the first Earth Day in 1970 as a result of pollution they could see and smell: The Cuyahoga River in Cleveland burned, with flames that towered eight stories high; the1969 oil spill in Santa Barbara closed virtually all the beaches in Southern California; people had declared Lake Erie dead.
    ‚ó¶ How, according to the film, have both pollution and people's reaction to Earth Day changed since 1970?

    6 What do “endocrine disruptors” do? Why do genetic mutations in fish disturb scientists so much?

    7 How do the products that average people use each day end up polluting the nation's and world's waterways?

    8 How should we pay for environmental cleanup? Should it be the responsibility of industry? Government? Individuals? Explain your reasoning.

    Please turn in our answers at the beginning of class Thursday.

    In class:
    Lab format:
    See this link:

    Grading template:

    Data analysis:
    Check out this page online:
    Keeling curve and CO2 trends at Mauna Loa

    Check this out if you have time:

    Let us know how we can help.

    Calendar link
    Here is a link to our online class calendar:

    I hope this helps.

    Friday in class:
    Vernier Probeware
    Sample lab:
    Chapter one outline due
    Discussion of videos


    2010 year begins!
    Welcome folks, to AP Environmental Science.
    The link to the first chapter of the text is here:
    and the contents page is here:
    If you have time, please watch this 22 minute video on wind:
    and this one on the Grameen Bank

    Here are some thoughts:
    The wind video demonstrates how many decisions can be made that are harmonious with both business, consumers and the environment.
    The second video is very compelling about the impact of even small changes in society.

    We will spend more time on these in the future, this should serve as a teaser to give you a sense of the media we will be covering.

    As we mentioned in class, we recommend getting a textbook as soon as possible. If the bookstore is out, you can look on Amazon (used for about $96) or some of the other online textbook sources. Be careful to get the 12th edition, ISBN 0073383201

    We'll have a chance to discuss more in class Wednesday.
    Let us know if we can help.

    Free Response Prep.
    All you need to know...
    c)food webs
    d)endangered species

    Please bring at least ten interesting questions for our discussion on Sunday, and think up at least two very clever free response questions, with increasing depth as one goes through the question.
    See you all Sunday!

    First of all, from Ms. Mitchell:
    Please inform your AP Environmental Science students to report to Castle Lecture Hall at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, May 11 for their exam. Rob Engel will proctor the exam.

    Updated review sheet:
    APES notes updated 5.6.2010

    Keystone species: influence greater than relative abundance
    ex: predator keeps herbivore pop down, preserves rare grass

    terrestrial, freshwater, marine
    latitude, humidity, elevation-terrestrial
    rivers, wetlands and basins (deeper than what they serve)
    neritic -close to shelf
    benthic-deep, sloping away from con shelf
    pelagic-open sea
    abyssal-very deep

    food webs:
    connections of energy from producer to consumer
    trophic pyramid (see plankton to ahi, bioaccumulation)
    primary producers: autotrophs-photosynthetic plants, chemotrophic (sulfur)-inorganic sources (also foundation species)
    heterotrophs-get energy from organic sources:
    herbivores, carnivores, scavengers
    lots of energy lost between trophic levels (thermodynamics)

    abiotic environment
    producers-autotrophs, e.g. plants
    consumers-heterotrophs, e.g. herbivores, canrivores

    CO2, water, light into organic compounds (e.g. sugars)
    carbon fixation (redox rx) reduction is CO2 to CHO
    chlorophyll, carotenes and xanthophylls

    cellular respiration-
    conversion of energy to ATP (phosphate bonds)
    glucose, amino acids and fatty acids with O2 as an oxidizer (accepts electrons) OIL RIG
    aerobic and anaerobic metabolysis (aerobic is 19x more efficient)
    TCA cycle, mitochondria

    variation of life forms within a biome or ecosystem
    creates stability and robustness in ecosystems

    biogeochemical cycles (nutrient cycles)
    how an element or molecule travels through biotic (living things) and abiotic (earth, air, water) parts of earth
    reservoirs may differ: N2 in air, P in soil
    closed system: C N O P
    open system: energy, e.g. photosynthesis
    also mercury and atrazine (herbicide)

    GM crops
    genetic engineering vs. selective breeding or mutation breeding
    concerns: ecological, economic (LDC) and IP rights (see Monsanto)
    uses restriction enzymes to ID and isolate genes
    inserted using gene gun (plasmid) or agrobacterium

    insertion or deletion of genes
    recombinant DNA, transgenic organisms
    if no DNA from other species, cisgenic (cis vs trans)
    lentiviruses-can transfer genes to animal cells
    Genentech-Berkeley 1978, created human insulin from E. Coli (vs. cow or pig insulin)

    biological, chemical, antimicrobial, disinfectant
    pests: pathogens, insects, weeds, mullosks, birds, mammals, fish, nematodes and microbes
    any food competitor or spoiler, also disease vectors
    herbicides-glyphosate (roundup)
    insecticides-HCl, carbamates, pyrethrins, etc.
    green fungicides-paldoxins
    EPA regulates
    banned: carcinogenic, mutagenic or bioaccumulators
    see also NRDC

    pesticide laws-
    Federal insecticide act-1910
    Federal insecticide, fungicide and rodenticide act (FIFRA)-1947 then 1972, 1988
    1947-ag dept
    3 categories: antimicrobials, biopesticides, conventional

    forest management-
    silviculture, protection and regulation
    conservation and economic concerns
    watershed management included
    see also FSC 1993, forest stewardship council

    applied ecology-
    conservation biology, ecology, habitat management
    invasive species management
    rangeland management
    restoration ecology

    land management-
    habitat conservation
    sustainable ag
    urban planning

    sustainable ag-
    environmental stewardship
    farm profitability
    farming communities
    e.g. ability to produce food indefinitely, without causing damage to ecosystem health
    see also erosion, irrigation/salinization, crop rotation
    see also landraces, e.g. prairie grasses

    mining laws-
    surface mining control and reclamation act (1977)
    1. regulates active coal mines
    2. reclamation of abandoned mines
    dept of interior admin
    response to strip mining (1930+)
    1. standards of performance
    2. permitting
    3. bonding
    4. inspection/enforcement
    5. land restrictions
    compare to 1945 strip mining practices

    Fisheries laws-
    monitor and protect fisheries resources
    overfishing conference 1936
    1957: Beverton and Holt did study on fish dynamics
    1. max sustainable biomass yield
    2. max sust. econ yield
    3. secure employment
    4. secure protein supply
    5. income from export
    6. bio and economic yield
    UNCLOS-UN convention on law of the sea
    EEZ-exclusive economic zones
    12 mi = coastal sovereignty
    200 mi = fishing restrictions
    2004-UN made stricter laws on fisheries mgt.
    1995 code of conduct for responsible fisheries
    quotas, taxation, enforcement (USCG)

    tragedy of the commons-
    1968 Science article-Garrett Hardin
    individual benefit, common damage
    strict management of global common goods
    see also overgrazing, pollution, privatization
    "a fundamental extension of morality"

    ozone depletion-
    stratospheric ozone depletion
    4% since 1970
    ozone hole over antarctica
    catalytic destruction of ozone by chlorine and bromine
    halogen compounds CFCs (freons) and bromofluorocarbons (halons)
    ODS ozone depleting substances
    ozone blocks UVB 270-315 nm
    Montreal protocol 1987 banned CFCs
    O + O3 --> 2O2 (transparent)
    Cl + O3 -->ClO + O2
    ClO + O3 -->Cl + 2O2
    1. ++ carcinomas
    2. melanomas
    3. cataracts
    4. ++ tropospheric ozone (toxic)
    5. kills cyanobacteria (rice nitrogen fixers)

    Water quality:
    WQI is a composite of many qualities (see below)
    BOD is a measure of the oxygen demand to decompose organic materials
    BOD measures the rate of oxygen uptake by micro-organisms in a sample of water at a temperature of 20°C and over an elapsed period of five days in the dark.
    The following is a list of indicators often measured by situational category:
    Drinking water
    ‚ñ™ Alkalinity
    ‚ñ™ Color of water
    ‚ñ™ pH
    ‚ñ™ Taste and odor (geosmin, 2-methylisoborneol (MIB), etc)
    ‚ñ™ Dissolved metals and salts (sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, manganese, magnesium)
    ‚ñ™ Microorganisms such as fecal coliform bacteria (Escherichia coli), Cryptosporidium, and Giardia lamblia
    ‚ñ™ Dissolved metals and metalloids (lead, mercury, arsenic, etc.)
    ‚ñ™ Dissolved organics: colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), dissolved organic carbon
    ‚ñ™ Radon
    ‚ñ™ Heavy metals
    ‚ñ™ Pharmaceuticals
    ‚ñ™ Hormone analogs
    Chemical assessment
    ‚ñ™ Conductivity (also see salinity)
    ‚ñ™ Dissolved Oxygen
    ‚ñ™ nitrate-N
    ‚ñ™ orthophosphates
    ‚ñ™ Chemical oxygen demand (COD)
    ‚ñ™ Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
    ‚ñ™ Pesticides
    Physical assessment
    ‚ñ™ pH
    ‚ñ™ Temperature
    ‚ñ™ Total suspended solids (TSS)
    ‚ñ™ Turbidity

    Electrical power numbers:
    1 Watt
    1000 Watts = 1 kW
    These measure rate of energy use (this is called power)
    energy use: power x time
    kW x hours or kWh
    example: 1 kWh is a 500 Watt device used for 2 hours
    MWh is a megawatt hour
    power plants are often rated in MW rating, or GW rating (gigawatt, or 1000 MW)

    LD50 is the measure of toxicity that kills 50% of the population after 2 weeks
    The LD50 is usually expressed as the mass of substance administered per unit mass of test subject, such as grams of substance per kilogram of body mass.
    As a measure of toxicity, LD50 is somewhat unreliable and results may vary greatly between testing facilities due to factors such as the genetic characteristics of the sample population, animal species tested, environmental factors and mode of administration.[3] Another weakness is that it measures acute toxicity only (as opposed to chronic toxicity at lower doses), and does not take into account toxic effects that do not result in death but are nonetheless serious (e.g. brain damage). There can be wide variability between species as well; what is relatively safe for rats may very well be extremely toxic for humans, and vice versa. In other words, a relatively high LD50 does not necessarily mean a substance is harmless, but a very low one is always a cause for concern.

    3 laws of thermodynamics:
    1. you cannot win (no process can be more than 100% efficient)
    2. you cannot break even (no process can be even 100% efficient)
    3. you cannot get out of the game (entropy or disorder tends to increase in spontaneous processes)
    See also Gibbs free energy: ∆G = ∆H - T∆S or "goldfish are hell without tartar sauce"

    ENSO: el nine southern oscillation
    coriolis effect: recall hurricane iniki
    aquifer: have an example ready for the depletion/pollution and describe recharge rate
    main soil types, main rock types, geological basics (eras etc.)
    climate shifts: how do these effect migration and location of animals? Why not plants?
    fertility rates, doubling times (rule of 70), demographic transitions, age-structure diagrams
    nutritional requirements
    sustainable ag (see above)
    urban sprawl: define. How has the auto made this possible?
    urban heat island effect: define
    ore concentration curves
    CAFE standards-definition, impact, exceptions

    Please also check out the entry from one year ago, 5.5.09 below, particularly the apx folder. We'll review in class Friday.

    See you all Friday

    AP exam review folder, homework
    We're in the home stretch and I appreciate you have lots of material to cover this week. To make this more efficient, I've collected practice materials in a folder here:

    Please start with the folder labeled "critical readme", which contains a summary document I'll be editing and adding to over the next few days. Check it out daily, as I'll be giving you what I think you'll need to cover or review that we might not have covered.

    There are several other folders:
    AP central stuff is material from the folks who created the exam

    Barron's reviews includes both timed simulation exams and other more standard formats

    Princeton is the Cracking the AP review folder

    AP review course is a curriculum developed by an instructor. Good browsing to see if you need to review anything.

    Labs AP is a folder with labs you should review, particularly if the topic in the lab is unfamiliar to you.

    I'll post more here later Sunday 5.2.2010, so please check in frequently.

    Here is one of your last assignments for credit:

    Find and read these articles on Wikipedia:

    Clean Air Act:
    Federal Water Pollution Control Act:
    National Environmental policy act:
    And answer the following questions:
    1. CERCLA stands for what?
    2. What happened at Love canal?
    3. How was CERCLA expanded in 1986?
    4. How is the SuperFund funded now?
    5. What two kinds of response actions are outlined in the CERCLA?
    6. Who are the "potential responsible parties" under CERCLA?
    7. What is the NCP revision, and how does it impact polluters?
    8. What is the NPL and what is it's role?
    9. What does RCRA stand for?
    10. Why is it an improvement on the 1965 law on solid waste?
    11. Explain "cradle to grave" requirements and give an example.
    12. What is a TSDF, and how does it manage hazardous waste?
    13. What is a "whistleblower" and how are they provided for in the RCRA?
    14. What are the corporate arguments against the clean air act?
    15. Describe the 1955, 1963, 1967, 1970, 1977 and 1990 acts and cite a common theme and opponent.
    16. What was new in the 1990 law that may affect third world nations?
    17. Last week the EPA made news regarding CO2 emissions and the clean air act. What happened?
    18. What is the CWA, and how is it enforced?
    19. What are navigable waters, and how are they defined?
    20. How does the CWA treat point sources? Give at least two examples.
    21. How is this different for non-point sources?
    22. What is different with the WQA of 1987?
    23. Explain the NEPA act of 1970, and its impact.
    24. What happened off the coast of Santa Barbara in 1969 (also the year of Woodstock, and several assassinations), and how is it relevant today, March 2, 2010?
    25. What is an EIS, and are they required today?
    26. How does an EIS differ from an EA?


    Plan for week of April 26
    We're closing in on the end of our material, and need to wrap up pollution and global climate change this week, beginning risk assessment by Friday.
    Here's what we need to cover:
    Monday: you read chapters 9 and 11, so we can review in class. Some questions for credit in class.
    Tuesday: we finish chapter 9 on pollution in class, begin work on ch 11 (climate change)
    Wednesday: short class-ch 11
    Friday: chapter 11, questions for credit.
    Work for the week: both AP exams in this folder:

    Please take your time with these, and record anything you feel we need to review.
    More here soon, this is a really good finish to a strong year...

    Plan for the rest of time...
    Here is our plan for the rest of the year:

    4.20 T Chapters 9 and 11 in Barron's: Pollution and global climate change
    4.21 W Pollution
    4.23 F Climate change/Ozone issues

    4.27 T Health issues/regulations
    4.28 W chapter 10
    4.30 F Chapter 10

    5.4 T review/practice exam diagnostics
    5.5 W review/diagnostics
    5.7 F all-of-the-missing-pieces-that-will-get-you-a-five

    5.11 Tuesday AP exam 8 AM. Be there or be flabby.

    For tomorrow (Tuesday) please read all of chapter 9 in the Barron's text, so we may all be experts in pollution by the end of class.

    <b>Easter Egg: Find and listen to the song "we didn't start the fire" by Billy Joel.
    What is the line following "AIDS, Crack, Bernie Goetz"? Why is this important?
    Hint: see the section on solid waste in chapter 9...</b>

    As always, should you or any of your IM force be caught, the secretary will disavow any knowledge of your mission...


    Atmosphere and footprints
    Please complete and email the following to me before class on Tuesday:

    <b>APES Air questions</b>

    1. Describe the major levels of the atmosphere, with a description of the temperature in each level and why the temperature profile changes with altitude.

    2. Describe the four "criteria pollutants" and where you might find them, why each is hazardous, and why these stand out over the other thousands of air pollutants.

    3. Describe the four major greenhouse gases, including how they are formed, how long they last, and if there is any connection between these and human activity.

    4. As the climate crisis progresses, eventually the permafrost will begin to melt. Why is this an example of positive feedback?

    5. PM refers to particulate matter. Why is this specification based on particle size, and which sizes are the most hazardous?

    6. Describe the flow of air on the planet, including the convection zones. Explain how this creates high and low pressure areas on the surface.

    7. What is the albedo of the earth, and how does this interact with climate change?

    8. The Coriolis effect is often poorly understood. In your own words, explain the rotation of a hurricane approaching Hawaii from the southeast.

    9. Is the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) an air event, a sea event, a global event, or all three? Explain.

    10. Many people believe that the ozone layer is involved in global warming. How can you distinguish between these two? What is the main impact of a thinner ozone layer, and what might cause this?

    <b>APES Footprint questions</b>

    1. Explain why the data you were given ends several years ago

    2. What is the nature of your country: industrial, rural, etc. and how developed is your country?

    3. Describe the ratio of biocapacity to footprint for your country. Calculate this number for each year in your graph, and express it as a ratio: greater than 1.0 is good, less than 1.0 is not so good.

    4. Create a graph of your new ratio data, in the same range as your data graph. You can use excel or any other simple graphing app.

    5. How do you explain the trends in your ratio graph? What events or changes in the slope might be significant?

    6. Next, look at the breakdown of farmlands, carbon and so on, and relate these changes to your ratio graph. What correlations do you notice?

    7. What changes would you make in the management of this country, either in resource management or in footprint?

    8. Ok, now that you have a good picture of your country, as leader, what is the ideal compromise value that would keep the ratio over 1.0?

    <b>Quote for today:</b>

    In November of 2009 it was reported that 16 ships create as much pollution as all the cars in the world.

    Please read for class Tuesday (these are long, ignore the comments section on the first reading, and browse the second one):

    Footprints and other keen stuff
    Please check out this folder on the energylab server:

    There are two papers in this folder you can use to prepare for our VTC on Friday

    Let me know if you have any problems retrieving these.

    Please also turn in any missing work by Friday, and the RQ set for chapter 16 on air by Sunday night at 9 PM.

    As always, let me know if I can help.
