
    1.1, 2.2, 2.3, My Missing Weblog Entries

    Whoops, I realized why I got a zero on one assignment. The answer, I didn't do three. So here is me updating my blog on what we did those classes:


    Easy peasy terminal commands

    fsck -yf

    Navigating directories

    Shutdown -r


    ^No problem at all. A monkey could do em.

    Networking, super fun stuff. IPnetmonitor is a cool application that has all sorts of features that help a networker (and a network hacker if thats what floats your boat)
    We used Adress scan to see every machine on the network. A cool idea I had was to ssh these computers and hope one of them has remote sharing on. If it is, then it is simply a matter of password cracking, which can often be done brute force (see the linux program THChydra for details). Bust in to somebody on their own network! Delicious!
    Linkrate is another tool of IPnetmonitor. It sees how long it takes you to connect to an IP anywhere around the world
    Ping sends packets, basically a test the waters tool to see if a website is up or down (can be used to DDOS a server as well, much more fun).
    TCP dump showed all the pathways of packets when connecting to a website. First it bumps off certain parts of the local network, then the packet is off to the world wide web!
    The same commands can be used using terminal

    Command -flag, the basic structure of using the command line.
    Sudo. This is your god command. Know it and know it well. Makes you a superuser on a computer.
    Control Z halts and process, very practical to know.
    Control C cancels. Basically the same.
    Say: The devil command of play hacking. If you are in Advanced Computer sci, you know how annoying this command can be.

    Man (command)- displays a manual page for any command so you can learn about it (and do damage)
    Who: says who is logged in at the moment, hopefully only you.
    Last: says the commands that were used last on your computer
    ls -la: shows hidden things. MEHEHEHEH!
    History: shows command history
    Nano: Writes a plain text file. Jesus this must have been what it was like for our parents.
    Q: Quit

    Tail- text viewing

    Touch - Createa new file

    MKDIR: creates a directory

    RMdir: removes a directory

    cp copies

    top: lists processes

    ps -ax: lists more for some reason

    Alright thats it, my weblogs all updated folks.
