

    Today We Made Scripts.

    First you create a blank text file using nano

    Then you prompt it to be a script by typing this little bit

    next type some commands, in order of lines you want to use them.
    Exit nano and save the file with a .sh extension

    Make sure you are in the directory of your text file. Then type chmod u+x (name of file.sh)
    This gives the user permission to run the file as an executable
    Next ./(name of file) and boom, you're script should be running: as such
    Next we messed with permissions and defaults.
    Chmod changes the permissions of files to be readable, writable, or executable.
    777 makes it executable, readable and writeable for all users, cool one for hackers.
    Chown changes the owner of a file.
    Defaults are all sorts of file properties that can be changed via terminal.

    Next thing we messed with was curl > webpage.
    Curl is a unix command that saves a webpag onto your computer as html/
    Next we used textutil -convert doc webpage.html to change it from html to doc format.
    Finally we used sch, secure copy. This lets you move files from computer to computer, no password required.
