March 28, 2018 Daily Blog

Today I started looking at the applications for Nalukai and PIECES STARS. I start the one for Nalukai and through reading more on the website, I found that I can not apply for PIECES STARS as I will not be 16 by the start of the camp. However, I want to talk to Dr. Bill and see if he has anyone I can get in contact with asking about exceptions as I will be 16 only a couple weeks after.

I had my internship today, and I am stuck on making this one decision. SolidWorks was not working today as CFHT recently updated it but hasn't updated my computer yet, however, I worked with Greg on setting up the viewer so I can still take measurements until they update the program. The decision I am stuck on is whether I want to keep pursuing the method I am currently using to design the telescope or if I want to try another design. Here are the different designs I am considering:

This is the first design type I tried working with. It is very clunky and not necessarily as realistic as I could make it, but I know for sure that all the pieces would fit and that it would be structurally sound (ignore the fact that this model is smaller, this was when we were looking at a 1:100 scale).

This is the current model I am working on. It looks a lot sleeker and much more like the telescope itself (of course I will change the color of the bricks from white to steel). However, as so many of the pieces are turned and angled, I am facing a lot of difficulty in making some pieces fit without collision or overlap, and I am not sure I will be able to successfully avoid that.

Finally, today I asked Alexis if she could send me any pictures of the lego model of the EELT (European Extremely Large Telescope) as she saw it on display at a convention a few months ago. They used the technic brinks, which I didn't even know existed and it looks really good. My only worry is that a lot of the parts on the new CFH Spectroscopic Telescope are straight with sharper angles. However, I think it is at least worth looking into, which I will do at work tomorrow.
