
    November 28, 2017 Daily Blog

    Today in ISR we talked about our semester project finals due December 8th. For our final, we have to do a short write up on our project and make a video describing the project. Here is the rubric for the write up:
    Download file "ISR_S1_White_Paper_Guidelines.pdf"

    Here are the questions we have to answer in the video:
    1. Why did you choose this project?

    2. What is the existing state of technology/the world/your life, and how is this different?

    3. What were your immediate goals?

    4. What resources did you collect/use? (materials, people, online)

    5. What challenges did you face?

    6. What would you like to be different next semester?

    7. What are your next steps?

    8. How will this project leave a legacy? To whom?

    For the rest of class, we did some work on NASA Ames. Our write up is due February 15th, so we really have to start making substantial progress. However, due to finals, the next two weeks are busy, but after that, we are going to map out a plan to get a lot of work done during break.
