November 8, 2017 Daily Blog

Today in ISR, I actually did quite a lot across multiple different projects.

I talked to Oliver about learning Unix and he sent and talked to me about some key commands. I also talked to the other Oliver about learning Python and I enrolled in an edX course on the fundamentals of python.

I also discussed possibly designing a neutrino detector. Now, I know that this is most likely an unrealistic project, due to both price and necessary equipment, but I would still like to look into the idea. However, Dr. Bill presented some good project ideas that I could actually pursue along the same line. I could create a website, similar to that of Deep Space Network Now ( which shows what deep space satellites are currently active and what they are doing, but for neutrino detectors around the world. This would actually be really helpful to the scientific community, both those working with the detectors and to students wishing to work with the data, as it would all be compiled neatly in one place. I really do want to pursue this idea, whether I end up trying to build a neutrino detector or not, and I will email my contacts at both CERN and Fermilab about the idea tomorrow. Another idea was that I design a muon detector, as it is much more do-able and I could still collect interesting data from it. This would be much easier to design than a neutrino detector as muons are much more massive and therefore easier to detect. I would also like to look more into this idea tomorrow.

Last, but certainly not least, I also worked on Ames today. Sneha and I created a checklist of things that need to be done by the end of the week:
  • Design Completed- Sneha & I
  • Lagrange Point Calculations- Sneha
  • Torus Calculations- Me
  • 3D sketch (or at least started)- Angelina
  • Outline Completed- Sneha & I
  • Hydroponic Section Written- Sameer
  • Economic Section Started- Sneha & I
Now, we know that this is a lot to get done, but we need to start making official progress as the deadline is fast approaching. The items on the checklist don't have to be final products, but we at least need rough drafts by the end of the weekend. We have a three day weekend coming up and Sneha and I are planning on going up to the elab on Friday and completing most of the checklist.
