
    Semester 1 Video

    Here is my semester 1 final video project:
    Download file "Semester1VideoPt1.mov"
    Download file "Semester1VideoPt2.mov"
    Download file "Semester1VideoPt3.mov"
    Download file "Semester1VideoPt4.mov"
    Download file "Semester1VideoPt5.mov"
    Here is the outline:
    1. Why did you choose this project?

      1. Star in a Bottle

      2. Love for the Area of Science

    2. What is the existing state of technology/the world/your life, and how is this different?

      1. Only Know a Small Percent

    3. What were your immediate goals?

      1. Fill in the Holes in My Knowledge

        1. Multivariable Calculus

        2. AP Physics C

      2. To learn more about computer science

    4. What resources did you collect/use? (materials, people, online)

      1. My Teachers

        1. Dr. B

        2. Mr. Bleckel

        3. Dr. R

      2. Other Scientists

        1. Dr. Don Lincoln

        2. Dr. Amanda Yoho

        3. Scientists at IMS

          1. Dr. Ben Bussey

          2. Mr. Jim Keravala

          3. Mr. David Heck

          4. Dr. Daniel Rasky

          5. Dr. Alexander MacDonald

      3. Books

        1. Classical Dynamics of Particle Systems

        2. Feynman Lectures

    5. What challenges did you face?

      1. The Complexity of the Concept

      2. Lots of Time and Money Required

    6. What would you like to be different next semester?

      1. First semester of ISR

      2. More organized

    7. What are your next steps?


      2. Finish AMES Project

      3. Next HI-SEAS Mission

      4. Continue Learning Computer Science

    8. How will this project leave a legacy? To whom?

      1. Fill Never Ending Curiosity

      2. New Discoveries in this area could lead to major life improvements

        1. Expansion into Space

        2. Nuclear Fusion Power
