
IMS Day 3


7:00 a.m. Delegate Networking Breakfast (Mauna Lani Lanai)

8:00 a.m. Space Settlement: A Prosperous Hopeful Future For All

Mark Hopkins

Chairman, National Space Society

8:30 a.m. The Challenges of Establishing a Human Settlement on the Moon

Dr. Erik Seedhouse

Norwegian-Canadian suborbital astronaut

9:00 a.m. Back to the Moon: A Look at Global Indicators

Rob Kelso

Former NASA Space Shuttle Flight Director

9:30 a.m. Building Multinational/Public-Private Partnerships toward a Sustainable Space Economy

Mark Craig

Former NASA Strategic Plan Architect

10:00 a.m. Refreshments / Delegate Networking (Mauna Lani Lanai)

10:30 a.m. Human Activities on our Moon: Past, Present and Future Visions

Madhu Thangavelu

Fellow, NASA’s Institute of Advanced Concepts

11:00 a.m. Opening the Moon through Low-Cost Lunar Transportation

John Thornton

CEO - Astrobotic

11:30 a.m. Pioneering Innovative Approaches to Advance Human Missions Beyond Low-Earth Orbit

Dr. Ben Bussey

Chief Exploration Scientist, Advanced Exploration Systems – NASA HQ

Noon LUNCH (Mauna Lani Lanai)

Keynote Address: ESA’s Moon Village Paradigm

1:15 Group 7: Organization

3:00 Group 2: Geological/Geographical Factors


