
September 26-29 Weekly Blog

This week in ISR I spent most of my time preparing for the International MoonBase Summit and organizing my plans for that. However, I also did spend some time studying particle physics and learning both about parity and charge conjugation parity. I am really seeing now that I still have a lot of basics I need to learn in quantum mechanics and many characteristics of particles that should help me answer some of my many questions. I know that I have multiple books that I need to read that should help me fill in those gaps such as Surely You're Joking Mr. Feynman, Feynman's Lectures on Physics, Now, and one more Feynman book. I don't have much time available to read these books but I feel like once I make a schedule plan that I should get much more done. Since next week is IMS, I won't have any time available to read as I will be making up all the school work I am missing during my free time.

I will be missing all but one day of ISR next week but I do plan on writing a weblog entry every night for IMS including pictures, people I met, my notes from the talks, and what was discussed during the breakout sessions.
