
    Formal Proposal


    My Goal that I want to accomplish this year if to educate people and prevent them from getting hacked which can cause Ransomware which is when the Hacker locks all your information and wants a certain amount of money from you (Ransom) and makes you pay it to unlock your information.

    I want to educate people and help them with Ransomware because it can cause big problems like in hospitals it can cause serious injuries and also death, Another example would be like big companies can go down if they don’t have important information their companies could crash and then go out of business when they pay off the ransom. My goal would be to educate people like the bosses of the hospitals and big companies so that nothing goes wrong and people don’t lose jobs or lose a life. An essential question is Do you go to the hospital and go to big businesses, If yes how do you know you can trust them and their tech what if they get hacked?

    I want to achieve this by researching where people get ransomware and how they get ransomware because this can help me go and educate the right people because if a lot of people from like Taiwan get affected by ransomware I can go around the cities and tell people how to protect themselves and how to prevent it. Some resources are movies like Zero Days and articles that talk about people who were affected by this Some challenges are I might have to learn how to Hack but also learn how to prevent hacks.

    This can impact people like people who work in the hospital for example they can get locked out of medicine information which can cause people to not get their medication which could cause extreme sickness and or death. This could leave a legacy because the big picture that can be achieved in the future is ransomware attacks don’t happen anymore and we can have a safe and protected world

    https://www.us-cert.gov/Ransomware - This website talks about how ransomware works and how to prevent it

    https://www.zdnet.com/article/texas-hospital-becomes-victim-of-ransomware-patient-data-potentially-leaked/ - This happened in texas where the patients were affected when their personal information was leaked

    https://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/us/security/definition/ransomware - This article talks about what ransomware is

    • Critical

      • Learn everything I need to know about ransomware and how to prevent and protect against it

    • Necessary

      • Computer that has hacking programs that I can use to figure out how to prevent ransomware

    • Optional

      • Watch the documentary Zero Days about stuff like ransomware