
    Week 11 summary


    As the year gets closer to its end, and so does my presentation's due date, I managed to achieved what I think is the most valuable thing I could have gotten out of this year; knowledge. I understand my mistakes, and I know what to do to avoid them. I may not have a lot of time left, but my goals are clear. There is much to do, and I know where to start. Now that I have all the required material, I can start building my project, which is what I've been working on.

    I figured out that I could use two lasers instead of one, by placing them horizontally to cover a wider space. This could show a lot of use if my display is wider in width than it is in height, as many computer screens and projectors tend to be. The hardest part is going to be the programming; mounting the lasers will take me maximum two hours, because after all, I don't have to build anything, just place it in the right spot. Sadly, I feel like we may not have time to finish the code, which is okay, there are still other things I can do with the material we bought.
