
    Week 2: 1/16 - 1/20

    This week was more focused - I took photos and interviewed people for the Humans of HPA project, trying to get a feel for people's headspaces as we all ease back into a school mindset. I also met with Mr. Schorn about the Zephyr, and so far we have decided that the Wix mockup I created will be the format for the Digital Zephyr instead of Finalsite, which would take longer to adjust for. I checked in briefly with Mrs. Hayslip about the status of the Zephyr as well, and she mentioned that Ms. Horgan (English/ Social Studies teacher) was interested in doing the Zephyr-After-School for Spring Season. In addition, I talked to Will Savage and got great photos from him that will be used mainly as background images for the Zephyr.

    Though my original deadline was to finish the Zephyr website by the 20th, I found myself unable to fully finish. It will be completed as soon as possible, which hopefully means next Friday (27th).
