Final Portfolio

Throughout the first semester of ISR, I have been through tremendous growth as a student and have learned countless things that I never believed I would learn in my high school years. This portfolio highlights the countless things learned as a class, and as an individual.

We began the beginning of the year going through a tour of the ELAB which allowed the new kids to ISR to discover all of the world class tools we have in our grasp. Here we started to formulate ideas for where we wanted to put our attention. After some days, we briefly touched on meters and batteries and learned the uses for testing charges with a meter. We tested the volts of Dr. Bill's car following this lesson.

Following this, we created Ethernet Cables in which we got to take home. I still use mine on a daily basis with my PC and it runs faster than my previous, cheaply made, Ethernet Cable. This prompted some of the boys in our class to start working on the repairing of technology, where as: Zeke, Khoi, Ben, and I began learning KaliLinux and how to work in the terminal.

As we learned basic commands, we grew into understanding how to do a lot more than we thought. Within a short period of time, we were learning to plant secret folders in each other's computers, modify documents, and shut down each other. After we began to get a grip, we had a day where we swapped with the girls to learn about earthquakes, outlined below:

We collaborated with the quake girls and observed their recent studies. They explained to us how to read the charts from the seismograph. We experimented tapping and clapping near the seismograph which caused small spikes to tell us the waves and how big they were. Talked about CO2 monitors and how we need a certain level to be covid safe. On the contrary, in the following class, the girls joined us and learned about programming and we explained the basic commands to use in our terminals. Zeke and I explained to Ava simple file management and tried to give her a basic idea on the commands that can be useful to people in their everyday lives. She even experimented by putting a normal file and invisible file on Ben's computer. Us teaching her also helped our whole group brush up on basic commands we may not have experimented with in awhile.

Following that, we continued to work through our 30 Days Of Raspberry Pi booklet, but took a day break to look into IFTTT.

This photo was captured as Zeke, Edoardo, and I began to enter the first project we signed up for which was IFTTT. IFTTT is a program that makes it easy to connect all sorts of apps and softwares. It stands for “If this then that, which basically triggers a sequence of events that autonomously happen connecting you to a different server or app. To me, this is very useful for the simplicity and organization of my life and I’m glad we got the opportunity to learn about it. There are often times in which I struggle with managing all of the information I have amongst multiple apps and having to copy and paste different information among different apps is tiresome. You can enable a function that sends another function to another app or device which is something that can be so useful in saving time. I created my first simple function that had to do with Youtube and music to start. Often I find myself enjoying music in Youtube Videos, but sometimes the names are not in the description of the video, the Applet I discovered makes it easy for me to transfer a track I hear from Youtube instantly into Spotify by simply just liking the video. Although it is a simple, yet useful command, I think that there is a world of possibility when using IFTTT.

IFTTT is something I think has a lot of potential for the age we live in and I am interested in learning mor about similar programs in the second semester.

Here are some photos of the Cyber Security PDF, my notes for this module 2 of cybersecurity will be listed below:

Module 2

  • VM is an environment, a program or operating system that does not technically exist but is created within another environment

  • Running computer within computer

  • Physical machine: Memory, Ethernet, Ram

  • Snapshot, travel back or forward in virtual machine time

  • Multiple VM’s can live on a one physical machine

  • Less than buying multiple machines


  • Purpose of machine known

  • How many users it will need to accommodate for (now and in the future)

  • Types of commands now and future that will be placed on the machine


25 Security Dos Firewall

  • Internet was created with the idea that there are no bad guys

  • IP was found to be a exploited feature that made it possible to gain control of a device or server

  • Attacks can be facilitated by diverting traffic to malicious nodes these include black holes and eavesdropping

  • Work on cyber security stuff some more to set myself up to start a project for after christmas break

I finished off the year helping Edoardo with his drone mapping project that would allow him to map ski courses and help aid him in his performance in races, having prior knowledge of the course.

Overall, it was a great and enjoyable experience being in this class and learning all of the things that you don’t learn in your standard classes in high school. Next semester, I hope to really dive deep into cybersecurity to give me a head start on possible job opportunities in my near future.


Weblog 12/4

Download file "IMG_7226.JPG"

On Tuesday I did not capture many images as I continued to work on my notes in the beginning of class. During the second half of class I began to work on my end of year portfolio and get the first three sections done.

Download file "IMG_7270.JPG"

On Thursday, Khoi and I tested which SD card worked and held his data in the Raspberry PI Micro SD insertion port. We figured out which one was his and found the DUD card.

Following that I worked on my portfolio for a a bit and then we experimented with the F1 simulator on VR. We need to find the adapter for USB so we are able to play it on the PC, for next class.


Thanskgiving Break Weblog

Today I continued to learn more about cyber security and add notes from module 4 today. The first image linked below is my personal notes from today, the images that follow are some diagrams that I thought would be important to my notes.
Download file "IMG_7125.JPG"

Download file "IMG_7124.JPG"

Download file "IMG_7126.JPG"


Weblog November 20

At the beginning of class on Monday, we measured the distance between the white lines with the meter stick to get the distance down the hill to get a scale for Edoardo’s Drone Mapping Project.

Following that I got deeper into the Raspberry PI booklet and started getting deeper into hacking passwords and got into a website that was linked within the booklet. I am interested in getting more into cyber security as Dr. Bill explained the job possibilities it can open in the future.

On Wednesday and Friday I did the same thing, I got more into the other physics server and began going through the module course on how to get verified through the cyber security course. I began writing notes on the first 3 modules so I can review them if I want to get certified through the course.


Weblog 11/13

Download file "Wblog 1.jpg"

Download file "wblog 2.jpg"

On Tuesday, Edoardo and I lined the course with cones and chalk around 15 feet from both sides of the white lines. We did this to simulate something such as a slopestyle course. After that, we had around 15 minute left in class so we went with Zeke in the Mon-Lab and he showed us how to dual boot Rasberry Pi onto the Mac Book.

Download file "DJI_0596.MP4"

On Thursday, Edoardo, Zeke, and I experimented with the drone mapping software as I took a few runs on the hill. We had some drone difficulty, but we ended up solving it and getting some great videos for Edoardo.

Download file "DJI_0595.MP4"


Weblog 11/2-11/5

This week Zeke and I returned to Linux to further our knowledge and have been brushing up on the basics on the 30 days of Raspberry Pi Booklet. After getting through the first 15 days it brought back a lot of basic things that haven’t been looked at in months. Reviewing the book helped back some of the forgotten things from early August. In the photo above, I am using a basic command that I’ve never used before which disconnected our Raspberry Pi’s from the Ethernet, you can also do this with a wireless Wi-Fi connection by typing in sudo ifconfig wlan0 down to disable it and sudo ifconfig wlan0 up to turn back on.

Here is a photo of the internet disconnected on a WI-FI speed testing site.

Here I was experimenting with the change of my custom splash screen towards the end of class, but I was having trouble with changing the proportions of the image using the URL. I want to experiment with what I can do with the display at some point in the next few weeks, but nonetheless this was interesting and I hope to look into that more when I get the time.

On Friday I just continued to review old commands and just review things that haven’t been looked at in awhile. While I was reviewing the book I got to a point where I found Recalbox where you can download games onto your device. It was still downloading as class ended so this is something I hope to look into more. I have watched some YouTube videos on it at home so time permitting after finishing the booklet I would be interested in learning more on the software.

Next week, I plan to continue to practice some old commands and learn some new commands as well. At some point I would also like to learn about the software Dr. Bill showed me on Linux that can be used to navigate how my data and storage are being used on my device.



Zeke and I began this week looking at the power grid and looked at the power consumption in the pool in specific. The Kilowatt consumption varied widely as the pumps shut on and off throughout the day. Attached above is a campus wide display of energy, true power, and solar capture. On Wednesday I continued to learn how to use the website and Dr. Bill was supposed to show us the prototype he was creating and allow us access, but we never got to it. We also helped Edoardo with his application for the drone mapping software and I did research on car software towards the end of class.

On Friday, I tried to help experiment with Zach and Koi and attempted to use an external camera to the Raspberry Pi. It did not display on the monitor, probably due to the cord.

I was interested in Edoardo’s project on mapping, so I went to observe his progress because he wants to use me as a test subject. I plan on riding down the road as Edoardo films, then uploading it to Logger Pro to calculate speed. Furthermore, it is crucial for Edoardo to learn how to learn how to map individuals Alpine Skiing.


Weekly weblog 10/17-10/22

Below is the link for my weekly weblog about IFTTT.

In the beginning of the week we began by reviewing older commands and continuing to go over the command book shared with us. As we are all jumping into our individual projects and exploring different fields, we have been logging to each other's computers as displayed here and doing different functions, such as trying to change each other's desktop displays. Here we were confused because Zeke had logged into the 10.14.38 Raspberry Pi. He was logged out but on that Raspberry PI it still displayed he was there even though his device was off. It was a simple fix that Dr. Bill explained to us and we quickly regained control of the computer.

This photo was captured on Thursday as Zeke, Edoardo, and I began to enter the first project we signed up for which was IFTTT. IFTTT is a program that makes it easy to connect all sorts of apps and softwares. It stands for “If this then that, which basically triggers a sequence of events that autonomously happen connecting you to a different server or app. To me, this is very useful for the simplicity and organization of my life and I’m glad we got the opportunity to learn about it. There are often times in which I struggle with managing all of the information I have amongst multiple apps and having to copy and paste different information among different apps is tiresome. You can enable a function that sends another function to another app or device which is something that can be so useful in saving time. I created my first simple function that had to do with Youtube and music to start. Often I find myself enjoying music in Youtube Videos, but sometimes the names are not in the description of the video, the Applet I discovered makes it easy for me to transfer a track I hear from Youtube instantly into Spotify by simply just liking the video. Although it is a simple, yet useful command, I think that there is a world of possibility when using IFTTT.

Next week, I would like to explore IFTTT some more and see if I can make a better command on my own that can help me in my everyday life. That being said, I have enjoyed using IFTTT so far, but still would like to explore the other projects I have been interested in at some point.


Weblog 10/10-10/15

Monday, we were working on our raspberry pi's and reviewing old basic commands to brush up on our knowledge while also reviewing some new commands. We ran through most of the books commands, so Zeke, Ben, and I were experimenting on trying to change each others desktop backgrounds. We did not succeed, but that could be something we try to do in the following classes by experimenting some more. Wednesday, Zeke and I took a look at the Chromebook and dismantled most of it removing the back and beginning by cleaning the dust out, we followed this up by removing a vast majority of the components to see if there was any electrical, water, or damage from impact. Although we did not find anything, we still struggled to turn it on. The problem could possibly be a display issue due to the fact that we heard the battery making noise, in turn causing us to think that it was not completely dead. Friday, we tried to see if we could get to the bottom of Zeke's very problematic, Jeep. We got no electrical signal from the Crank sensor which was one of the last resorts when it came to the issue Zeke's car was having. It is slightly worrying because it was what we narrowed down that was most likely the problem. We attached it to power and used the alligator clips to try to get a current, but we got nothing.

Next week, I would like to start learning more about Justin Doi's project and see what I can look into on that because we have a similar idea for projects. I also would not mind trying to visit a day with the repair team. This could be useful if I shift my project into some type of car repair resource.

Comments with photos on drive link -

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Weblog Earth Quake Collab

Last week, we collaborated with the quake girls and observed their recent studies. They explained to us how to read the charts from the seismograph. We experimented tapping and clapping near the seismograph which caused small spikes to tell us the waves and how big they were. Talked about CO2 monitors and how we need a certain level to be covid safe. On the contrary, the following class, the girls joined us and learned about programming and we explained the basic commands to use in our terminals. Zeke and I explained to Ava simple file management and tried to give her a basic idea on the commands that can be useful to people in their everyday lives. She even experimented by putting a normal file and invisible file on Ben's computer. Us teaching her also helped our whole group brush up on basic commands we may not have experimented with in awhile. Download file "weblog.jpg"


3 ideas

1. Monitor that plugs into car near the gas cap switch that tracks boost, mpg, etc..
2. Learn how to replace stock screen on my car and replace with my own type of apple car play.
3. Not exactly sure about the third idea yet.

1 comment

Aug 30-Sept 3 Weblog

This week we focused on an energy task and began to look into hacking and what is possible with the right software and commands. Learning about hacking made got me to realize the significance of it and how it can be used as a helpful tool instead of a dangerous way to access information. While hacking can lead to things such as cyber warfare, our class got me to understand that hacking can save a computer as a whole. Knowing how to bypass someone's device or your own, can perhaps help you fix a computer or salvage valuable information. We learned commands on some older Macs that used the command and S button to get directly into the computers software. Though surprisingly easy it is clearly a threat to security and privacy which explains why apple took the precaution of removing it. I would be interested how to do some of the same things on a PC and see the advantages/disadvantages to both. We also took a look at energy levels in the Elab as well as learning about the certain things you can do to save energy. (Zeke and I shared a laptop and took screenshots of our work on his computer because I did not have mine.) Although not as interesting as the hacking assignment, it is important to understand how to save energy and the certain things that use excess amounts of energy. Learning about energy could be useful in many peoples lives in preserving energy and saving money.
Next week I would like to learn a little more about electricity and specifically how I could begin to go about creating the foundation for my car monitor. Learning how to circuit my wires to do different things, while also learning to program it to track certain information.