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"Gallery Image Reconstruction" 3/29/17

@page { margin: 0.79in } p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120% } The alignment of the images, along with some reconstruction was comple...

3/4/17 Week Summary "Golang Webserver"

This week I was a little under the weather, so unfortunately I could not get much done. I spent some time looking into a web server model with ...

2/25/17 Week Summary “Planing Ahead and Structure”

The first and most important goal right now is to prepare the process for the Keck collaboration. For this to happen, we need to get the camera an...

2/24/17 “Planning and Discussion”

After presenting our project to a tour group that came through, Zoe and I decided that it was beneficial to discuss the upcoming processes and obj...

2/22/17 “Agisoft Testing Continued”

Today I continued to test Agisoft and some of the different settings. Unfortunately, most of the time was spent processing some of the images agai...

Week Summary 2/18/17 "Learning Best Practices"

This week I discovered the best way to use Agisoft, including the best way to capture images and also process them in the software afterwards. ...

2/17/17 "Chunk Combination"

Today I focused on documenting the process of what was most successful to use with Agisoft. I also merged the chunks that processed overnight, and...

2/15/17 "New Test Methods"

Today I did a little test to see exactly what the thresholds for Agisoft are. Rather than using the DSR camera, I tried to take some pictures with...

2/11/17 Week Summary "Major Progress & Lots to Do"

This week showed some major progress. Firstly, Zoe and I figured out what was wrong with the machine that we were going to use to power the Kinect ...

2/10/17 "Testing and Alternatives"

Today I continued working on establishing if Agisoft will suit our needs. I re-ran some of the initial test with camera positioning inside of the app...

2/8/17 "Shifting Gears"

I shifted gears today to play around with a new photogrammetry software package to test the abilities of it versus Capturing Reality and others. A...

2/7/17 "We Know What's Wrong"

Zoe and I spent all of class, and a good part of the afternoon trying to find a solution to the Nvidia driver issues. Turns out, the drivers are a...

2/4/17 Week Summary

This week was majorly focused on solving the driver issues on the linux laptop, which is eventually supposed to run the ElasticFusion software to...

1/30/17 "More Driver Issues"

Today I worked on solving the Graphics Drivers for the MSI laptop once again. There are many different sets of issues that could be causing some ...

2/3/17 "Star Simpson Visit"

Star Simpson visited today and talked to use about her work, projects, and experiences in life and the tech field. She is an HPA, and later, MIT ...

1/23/17 "Big News and GPU issues"

One of the major focuses today was to attempts to get Elastic Fusion working on the MSI. Previous attempts failed, and I think I know what part of ...

1/23/17 "Design"

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1/21/17 Week Summary "Level Up"

This week saw some big steps for our project. First of all, Sunday was a good day to get some outreach for our project with the Nasa Habinauts alon...

1/20/19 "Keck Presentation"

The long awaited presentation to the Keck Director was finally completed today. (little) Oliver and Zoe helped me by intervening when there was somet...

1/18/17 "Getting this Really Going"

Today I primarily focused on optimizing and improving the experience of the virtual tour platform that Oliver and I started to work on in the Unity...