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ACT9 Project (7/26/2014)

For the computer technology class, I am building a security attack robot that will display a message, detect a threat, sound an alarm, and attack. It...

ACT9 Wiki (7/24/2014)

Today I began to create individual pages for each week on the syllabus. I also went through the HPA calender and put down the dates for each week, t...

ACT9 Wiki (7/22/2014)

Unfortunately, we found that the beginners computer class was most likely going to be only a semester, so we had to condense the curriculum into half...

ACT9/EXG Project Summary Template (7/20/2014)

Whenever people come in for tours, we are given an opportunity to share our projects, but there is no possible way to have everyone's work showcased....

ACT9 Arduino (7/14/2014)

Today I began to get acquainted with the Arduino system. This system is far more hardware-based, as it does not have its own operating system, but i...

ACT9 Raspberry GPIO (7/12/2014)

Today I attempted to learn how to use the Raspberry Pi's general purpose input output system. I started with just the hardware by setting up an led ...

ACT9 Raspberry Pi Setup (7/9/2014)

For the freshmen computer science class, Raspberry Pies were added into the curriculum as they are versatile mini Linux computers that can be program...