Day 4 Assignment

This is a Guide for the Unix Commands (Now with pictures!):

Using the command "ls -la" lists all of the file in a directory, including hidden files

The command "pwd" (or print working directory) shows which directory you are currently accessing. It is similar to asking "Where am I?"

"cd nameofdirectory" changes your directory, and "cd .." goes back a directory

The command "man nameofcommand" shows a manual on how to use a certain command, as well as its purpose and application.

When you turn on your computer, hold down Command+S, and it opens a startup terminal. If you type in "fsck -yf" it checks all of the working files on the computer. (NO PICTURE AVAILABLE, SCREENSHOTS ARE NOT AVAILABLE DURING THIS PROGRAM)

Using the command "say -v Nameofvoice "Words"" allows your computer to read from text-to-speech. Some available voices are Albert, Victoria, etc.

"last" shows a list of all of the users who logged on the computer chronologically in time order.

"who" shows a detailed description of the user on the computer. This includes name, location, and time.

"whoami" is a simpler version which only shows the username.

"top" shows an active list of all the programs running, where "ps" shows a screenshot of all the files running at a certain time.

"ssh username@IPAdress" is a command to commit to a remote login on another computer. To exit from here, simply type the command "exit." This usually logouts from any program/user.

ctrl+C exits a program, where ctrl+Z stops a program fully.

"nano nameoftextfile" creates a textfile, which you can edit and write inside of terminal.

"find ~ -name nameoffile/directory"

"cp nameoftextfile /location/" copies a file and pastes it in a new target location. "mv nameoftextfile /location/" is the same thing except it moves the file instead of copies it. "rm nameoftextfile" removes it from the directory.

"mkdir nameoffolder" makes a folder. "rmdir" removes a folder.
"kill -9 programnumber" kills a program.

"open -a nameofapp" opens an app.


Sep 1, 2014

Excellent work Mason