


    Today we had a sub and we spent most of the time telling her about what our projects were and how we spent our time. She was very nice and offered a lot of help to all of us, and she really liked our projects. After that, I looked over the 3D model that Zoe made from the pictures I took of the big room in the Elab. It looked better than the first mask, but it was still a little wonky. Then I went outside to work on the drone frame, but Mr. Warner pulled me aside for 5 minutes or so about assembly and something he wanted me to talk about. After that, I went back outside and double checked that the hole I wanted to drill in the drone frame was in the right spot. I only had 5 minutes or so left, so I went outside and played around with the sport mode on the Mavic with Will and Ilan for a little. Next class I hope to drill the hole for the power distribution board, then start working on assembling the extra platform that came with the drone frame to add components to it.