


    Today I worked on figuring out how to code personal commands in the Naza flight controller. I found that their code is closed sourced, so you can't directly go into the controller and change the code, but they do have SDK (Software Developer Kits) and pages where you can create apps and other small code changes to customize your drone. I want to look more into that, and also begin learning to use either C++ or Python. Here is a website from DJI that talks about how you can edit commands on a flight controller http://developer.dji.com/mobile-sdk/documentation/quick-start/index.html. I spent a lot of class researching this, and I also found out that many drones use C++ or Python to code, and if I learn these, then maybe I will be able to use different flight controllers in the future to customize commands. Also, learning code will really be useful in college and in many other applications.