


    Today was the first real day of work. We met in the middle classroom at the beginning, then Ilan, Will, Chris, and I went out to the robotics room to work on the Tarot Drone Frame. When we met in the class room with everybody we talked about how to do our weblogs, what our projects were, and some of the interesting opportunities this semester would be. When the drone crew worked on the drone frame, I had to solder something to fix my eagle project, so I tried to do that, but the metal I was trying to solder the wire to wouldn't stick to the solder. I ended up taking that part off and soldering directly to another piece that the previous metal part clipped into, and the solder stuck to the new part. I then helped Ilan put together some of the frame, but we didn't get too far because class was running out of time. We put the four arms of the drone into the main frame, but we ran out of time screwing them in. Next class we will work on the drone more, and I will solder the remaining piece for my eagle project. Hopefully in this next week we can start programming the flight controller and getting the drone put together.