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After messing around with the EEG this winter break, I think I'm interested in doing some brainwave research particularly to do with manic depression...


After lots of trial and error, tutorials, and Davy's help, we've got MuseLab up and running. [image] Next is to see if I can save and export the data...


Progress! I can now save .muse files as .csv's, but at the moment it only changes it to the text encoding in Excel. It doesn't actually convert the f...


Trying to convert to proper .csv files in muse-player, but Muse forums are down at the moment.


Worked with Megan on a Pavlov-esque experiment about conditioning an eye blink response. Muse was low low low on battery, so couldn't do much with it...


Took a break from MuseLab to finally check out the Muse phone app. Super simple to use. It can track brainwaves in terms of Active, Neutral, and Calm...


Got a starfield simulation light in the mail today! It was a bit of a nightmare to assemble as it was cheaply made and the instructions didn't corres...


Charged the Muse Started "official" write up/notes for project Looked at what Erina has done so far with the Muse and mes...


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Added to bipolar disorder/brainwave research Tried out an 8-minute screen recording of visualizer in MuseLab


Showed Davy how to connect Muse through muse-io and get the data streaming into MuseLab, so he can get instructions to Karen for the slee...


Did a few screen recordings to be converted to .csv and made sense of during Friday's class. [Screen Shot 2015-02-04 at 2.54.17 PM.png]


Looked at first attempted screen recording of MuseLab visualizer ~4 minutes long, attention was diverted entire time (studied for a ...


Turtle stranded in one of the Mauna Lani ponds, went with Mr. Rice to rescue/release Set a net across the exit channel, but found the tu...


Checked out the Mindwave Mobile headset to see if logging brainwave data would be any easier. There's a nice visualizer program that, unlike MuseLab,...


Recorded 22 minute session in MuseLab today - mania + psych homework - wanted to see how difficulty concentrating was reflected in the brainwaves.


[image] [image] I am in a depressed state this morning and looking at the abundance of delta waves throughout this morning's recording, Mindwave mobi...


Starting to look at the four recordings I've done in Brainwave Visualizer so far. Each is about 7 minutes long, a couple in neutral state, one manic ...


Hoping to come up with at least an inkling of conclusive data before submitting video/excerpt for the new website. Will be contacting Erina about get...


Waiting for reply from Erina Made a couple .gifs in the meantime[image] Click to play