
Week 3 Summary



This week I went through the course material quickly to make time for the course projects. This is because the projects count for 40% of the total grade and is peer assessed.

Regression Models Course Project:
For this project, I was tasked to write an analysis on the motor industry using the motorTrends dataset using knitr and R Markdown. I was specifically tasked to address two things:

  • Is an automatic or manual transmission better for MPG?
  • Quantify the MPG difference between automatic and manual transmissions.

Developing Data Products Course Project:
The objective of this project is to make a shiny application which will be deployed on their servers. I have to also make supporting documentation (which I chose to do in slidify instead of RStudio Presenter) to explaint he concept of the app.

Since I have already used the motorTrends dataset in the Regression Models course project, I decided to use it again int his one. I estimated the gas milage a car would get based ont he number of cylinders it has and the total car weight.

Since these are peer graded, I will not get my marks until next week. i will also be tasked to peer assess other student's work over the next week and see how they did their tasks.