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Quater 2 Video Summary

[Quater 2.mp4]


Today we went to visit the lower campus to see, feel and compare the results of the adjustments. In the two classrooms that changes have been made in...


Monday we visited the lower campus to connect the new Netatmos to the lower campus WIFI and to set them up in the classroom. In addition, we removed ...


Today the C-period group went to visit the lower campus to talk to the middle school students about the data that has been measured in their classroo...


Today we analysed the data that the sensors in the classroom of the lower campus provide. Each of the three classrooms has one particular problem th...

8.3 Friday 10/11

Today a group of six young adults came to visit the energy lab. The team will be living in a closed space on mauna loa for the next 8 months, startin...

9.1 Monday 10/13

Today I was further introduced and allowed to access the data from the HI-Seas project. I got familiar with the organisation of our page and began gr...

9.2 Wednesday 10/15

Today was a relatively short class period. Therefor I simply used my time to review and compare more graphs of the HI-SEAS project. The team moved...


Starting today I will change the titles to a quarter, week, day format. On friday I introduced Zen, who will be working on HI-SEAS with me, to our to...


Today I helped Zen create his independent science proposal and took a closer look at the RH level and the CO2 level in the dome. We found a couple un...


Today we wrote a rough draft of the daily schedule of the HI-SEAS participants according to their CO2 levels. We used the data that was recorded betwe...


Today we four out that the AC has been broken for about a week due to a rat that ran over one of the electricity cords. We figured that we could find...


Today we were looking at the water level and discovered that this was at 30%. We discovered that this might be an error that is caused by the change ...


Today we created an account on elab2. This is useful because we can now create groups of the sensors that we need most so that we can access these mo...


Today I mostly worked on a project but we also worked on a new sensor group in the dome, the HI- energy. [Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 8.33.13 PM.png]In...


Today we created a google doc with a list of issues that we have found while reading the data of the HI-SEAS project. On this list we will also docum...


Today we reflected further on problems that accrue in the dome and make the data the sensors report inaccurate. We worked on problem solving, concern...


Today we began by reading the usual graphs, such as the CO2, energy and water sensor's data, to check wether everything was as it was supposed to be....