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On Monday we further discussed the set up of the Netatmos that will be arriving soon. Our discussion was mainly based on the location of the master se...


On Wednesday we took another trip to the lower campus. We were planning on repairing a couple sensors that had not responding as we wished. Fortunate...


On Friday we looked at the data we had monitored so far with the new repaired sensor in room 202 and the other rooms. Thereby we noticed unbelievably...


On Wednesday we visited the lower campus once again to configure Netatmo in room 202. It had been recording erroneously. In addition, we set up new N...


Wednesday we renamed the Netatmos for the classrooms at the lower campus. They had been labeled erroneously. We added he names of the teacher teachin...


Friday we installed the Netatmo app on our computers. Three new netatmo sensors would be set up on monday at the lower campus. These devices were ins...


Especially interesting today was the CO2. It seemed to be consistently lower in the last week in room 1. Questions that came up: Why is ...


As a follow op to Monday's excursion to the lower campus to receive feed back and to experience the physical changes, we focused on the changes the se...


On Monday we read the data the Netatmos had measured so far. It seemed that all the rooms were under fair conditions, except for one of the rooms. Ro...

3.1 week

Success! Over the winter break several adjustments have been made in the class rooms of the lower campus. These adjustments should allow the students...