
    Week 1 Aug 29 - Sept 2

    Overall this week I have been working with Codecademy, learning how to make a website using HTML and CSS. I was mostly using the tutorial that Codecademy had and I will be continuing with it over the weekend and through some of next week.
    Download file "Screen Shot 2016-08-26 at 2.08.46 PM.png"
    I was also looking at different websites and seeing what kind of designs they had, how they organized their pages, and how their tabs were working.
    I finished most of my proposal this week and I am going to finish it today and over the weekend, see what else I can do to make my website better when I am going to build it and I want to start researching on people's response to different websites and what they are more attracted towards. What color schemes are used more then others and why are some website more popular then others. I'm going to start looking at similarities and differences between popular websites and what kind of design did they all use and see if I can apply that to my own design. Before I start coding and creating my website, I am planning on creating a design for it, but that will be after I finish my research, or at least get enough information.
