
    Week 9, S2 March 27 - March 31

    This week I have finished all the small changes that the website needed. I have wrote up Alicia's interview and had it proof checked. I finished writing it up on the website and published it. I have wrote up in Asana all the pictures that I need to still take, which includes: Sienna, Asa and Jackson together, Alec, and teachers, such as Mr. Shorn, Mr. McKenna, and Mrs. Hayslip. I took several pictures of the Elab and updated my home page. I still need to create a page for the staff to describe what they teach and how they assist the Elab. I have created a google document to record different questions that I can ask people during interviews that are both broad and specific and I have placed them under certain categories. I have added comment sections to all pages on projects and I am now figuring out how to manage them. This week I will be writing up Sienna's interview and hopefully post it. And create pages for staff as a blog. Overall, the project is going well and I can definitely see myself finishing it up pretty soon.
