Day 6 Command Notes

>”killall nameofprogram

>”nano” to create a script

>”#!/bin/sh” is a shebang to run the script

>”chmod u+x” in terminal enables opening it

>”./”runs the script

>”chmod symbol1+symbol2 filename”is change mode

Symbol1: u(ser), g(roup), o(thers)

Symbol 2: r(ead), w(rite), x(ecute)

>”chown” is change owner of file

>Defaults change user default settings, such as desktop

>”defaults write mcx-disabled –boolean YES; killall” Dock kills the dock

>”sudo softwareupdate –i –a” updates all software

>”passwd” changes password

>”curl URL > filename.html” downloads a file

>”textutil –convert html filename.doc” converts a file

> sudo osascript -e "set Volume 10" changes volume
